This is a set WikiCategory used to tag the 36 Show Characters in Episode 202 from the Amazon Prime series.
- Adeleas (Show)
- Alanna (Show)
- Aludran (Show)
- Arinvar (Show)
- Bayle (Show)
- Cadsuane (Show)
- Celestin (Show)
- Egwene (Show)
- Elayne (Show)
- Elena Katab (Show)
- Elyas (Show)
- Errol (Show)
- Farina (Show)
- Ihvon (Show)
- Ingtar (Show)
- Ishamael (Show)
- Lan (Show)
- Leane (Show)
- Liandrin (Show)
- Logain (Show)
- Loial (Show)
- Maksim (Show)
- Masema (Show)
- Mat (Show)
- Mazrim Taim (Show)
- Min (Show)
- Moiraine (Show)
- Nynaeve (Show)
- Perrin (Show)
- Rand (Show)
- Selene (Show)
- Sheriam (Show)
- Tomas (Show)
- Uno (Show)
- Verin (Show)
- Yann (Show)