Pronunciation: mah-SEE-mah
A Shienaran warrior.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Perrin, Lord Ingtar, Uno, Masema, Loial and the others meet with the tracker, Elyas. (Episode 201)
- Uno, Masema and the others are burying the dead, while Elyas buries the dog. (Episode 201)
- In a courtyard in Arad Doman, Masema is informed of a Fade nailed to a door, speculating it was Fain’s work (Scene 7 - Episode 202)
- At Atuans Mill on Toman Head, Masema travels with the Hunters for the Horn, passing a market with fermented lionfish (Scene 15 - Episode 202)
- At nighttime in Atuans Mill, Masema fights during a Seanchan invasion, where Perrin frees Loial from soldiers and Ingtar calls for a rally, but two damane unleash a weave, knocking everyone unconscious (Scene 28 - Episode 202)
- Masema, along with Perrin, Ingtar, Uno, Loial, and the rest of the Hunters for the Horn, as well as Atuans Mill residents, are captured overnight by Seanchan. They sit surrounded by guards as a Seanchan leader arrives on a stepped palanquin with 20 steps per side, carried by 40-50 bearers, topped with a covered area holding the leader, Ishamael, and a third figure (Scene 29 - Episode 202)
References (Possible Spoilers)#
Book Character: Masema Dagar
IMDB: Arnas Fedaravicius