This page (revision-22) was last changed on 24-Oct-2022 23:40 by Administrator

This page was created on 11-Sep-2021 16:26 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 24-Oct-2022 23:40 256 bytes Administrator to previous
21 24-Oct-2022 23:38 464 bytes Administrator to previous | to last

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This is the list of all the prophecies, visions, foretellings, etc, in the books.
[{ReferringPagesPlugin page='Category.Prophecies' show='pages' before='#' after='\n' columns='3'}]
[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Index Pages]
* [Aelfinn Answers|Aelfinn]
* [Aiel Prophecies|Aiel]
* [Dark Prophecy|Dark]
* [Foretellings|Elaida]
* [Jendai Prophecies|Jendai]
* [Karaethon Prophecies|Karaethon]
* [Min's viewings|Viewings]
* [Dreams]
** [Egwene's Dreams|Dreams#1]
** [Wise Ones' Dreams|Dreams#2]
** [Perrin's Wolf Dreams|Dreams#3]