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Number of creature pages: 134

  1. Age of Legends Creatures
  2. Aiel Waste Creatures
  3. Akein
  4. Aldazar
  5. Aldieb
  6. All Creatures, Big and Small
  7. Almandaragal
  8. Arrow
  9. Arrow (Birgitte)
  10. Bela
  11. Biteme
  12. Blacklance
  13. Bloodlance
  14. Boundless
  15. Burn
  16. Cafar
  17. Cat Dancer
  18. Category.Horses
  19. Category.Ogier
  20. Category.Pets
  21. Category.Wolf
  22. Category.Wolves
  23. Challenge
  24. Cirri
  25. Cloud
  26. Cold Water
  27. Corlm
  28. Daishar
  29. Dapple
  30. Darkhound
  31. Dart
  32. Dawn Wind
  33. Dawnweave
  34. Daylight
  35. Draghkar
  36. Duster
  37. Elephants
  38. Fade
  39. Feather
  40. Finn
  41. Fireheart
  42. Firewisp
  43. Forger
  44. Gaidin
  45. Gholam
  46. Glimmer
  47. Gray Man
  48. Grolm
  49. Half Tail
  50. Hammer (Horse)
  51. Hopper
  52. JeadeEn (Jain)
  53. JeadeEn (Rand)
  54. Jumara
  55. Kori
  56. Leafhunter
  57. Lion
  58. Lioness
  59. Lopar
  60. Loversknot
  61. Machin Shin
  62. Mageen
  63. Mandarb
  64. Mashadar
  65. Mist
  66. Moonflower
  67. Moonglow
  68. Moonlight
  69. Moonshadow
  70. Morning Clouds
  71. Morning Mist
  72. Morninglight
  73. Nightlily
  74. Nip
  75. Nisa
  76. Nym
  77. Oak Dancer
  78. Ogier
  79. Old Deer
  80. Piesa
  81. Pips
  82. Quick
  83. Rabbit Nose
  84. Raken
  85. Red
  86. Redwing
  87. Rising
  88. Rosebud
  89. Scouter
  90. Scratch
  91. Seiera
  92. Selfar
  93. Shadowspawn
  94. Sifter
  95. Siswai
  96. Skulker
  97. Smoke
  98. Snowy Dawn
  99. Sparks
  100. Sparrow
  101. Springhorn
  102. Stayer
  103. Steady
  104. Stepper
  105. Stick
  106. Stout
  107. Sun Lance
  108. Swallow
  109. Swift (Horse)
  110. TaiDaishar
  111. Tall Bear
  112. Three Toes
  113. Thunder Mist
  114. Toraken
  115. Torm
  116. Trap-worm
  117. Traveler
  118. Trollocs
  119. Tuli (Pet)
  120. Twilight
  121. Two Deer
  122. Two Moons
  123. Ways
  124. Whisperer
  125. White Tail
  126. Wildfire
  127. Wildrose
  128. Wind (Horse)
  129. Wind (Wolf)
  130. Wing
  131. Winter Dawn
  132. Winterfinch
  133. Wolf
  134. Zomara

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