Leader of a pack of wolves in the wolf dream.
Physical Description#
She is a youthful female, a pelt so light it is almost white with a black streak on her right side. (ToM,Ch4)
Pack Members#
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- In the wolf dream, Hopper, Boundless, Morninglight, Oak Dancer, Sparks and Whisperer invite Perrin to hunt. (ToM,Ch4)
- In the wolf dream Perrin can sense Boundless, Oak Dancer and Sparks nearby. (ToM,Ch18)
- Hopper, Oak Dancer, Boundless, Sparks and Morninglight teach Perrin how to follow in the wolf dream. Perrin kills Morninglight and Hopper then agrees to teach Perrin. (ToM,Ch24)
- Perrin practices with Hopper when they hear calls of distress. Oak Dancer, Boundless and Sparks are trapped in the violet dome. Sparks is wounded and Whisperer is dead. (ToM,Ch28)
- Only Hopper, Boundless, Oak Dancer and Sparks are left in the wolf dream. All the other wolves have gone north. Perrin kills Oak Dancer and wounds Sparks, but Sparks finds the dreamspike and Perrin takes it. (ToM,Ch35)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch4 - She is named Oak Dancer for the way she scampered between saplings as a whelp.