Title: High Lady Fionnda of House Annariz
A High Lady of Tear.
Physical Description#
She is beautiful despite a stern expression and iron eyes. (LoC,Ch19)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Many Cairhienin including Colavaere, Dobraine, Maringil and Selande and many Tairens including Meilan, Fionnda, Anaiyella, Maraconn, Gueyam and Aracome wait to meet with Rand in the Sun Palace but he Travels to Caemlyn instead. (LoC,Ch19)
- Alaine Chuliandred and Fionnda Annariz converse as they walk the halls of the Sun Palace. (CoT,Prologue)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Prologue - Her House is Annariz.
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