Planning a vacation to Randland? We have a list of the 113 inns and taverns in Randland to help you. This is only a list of known inns, taverns and wineshops and is in no way a recommendation of any of them. Encyclopaedia WoT takes no responsibility for your experience at any given location.
- Bellon Ford Inn
- Category.Inns and Taverns
- Culains Hound
- Defender of the Dragonwall
- Easing the Badger
- Garden of Silver Breezes
- Geography
- Goose and Crown
- Goose and Pipe
- Harilins Leap
- Harlon Bridge inn
- Market Sheran Inn
- Royal Inn
- Silver Dolphin
- The Archers
- The Ball and Hoop
- The Blind Pig
- The Blue Bull
- The Blue Cat
- The Blue Rose
- The Bunch of Grapes
- The Crown and Lion
- The Crown of Roses
- The Dancing Bear
- The Dancing Cartman
- The Dancing Goose
- The Dead Mans Breath
- The Domani WenchS Kiss
- The Dragon
- The Dusty Wheel
- The Erinin Inn
- The Evening Star
- The Farriers Green
- The Farriers Hammer
- The Four Kings
- The Fox and Goose
- The Gates of Heaven
- The Golden Barge
- The Golden Crown of Heaven
- The Golden Cup
- The Golden Ducks
- The Golden Head
- The Golden Sheaves
- The Golden Stag
- The Golden Swans of Heaven
- The Good Nights Ride
- The Good Queen
- The Good Queens Justice
- The Grand Hike
- The Great Gathering
- The Great Tree
- The Greeting Hall
- The Happy Throng
- The Heart of the Plain
- The Hoop and Arrow
- The Kings Lancer
- The Light of Truth
- The Lights Blessing
- The Long Man
- The Marriage Knife
- The Miners Rest
- The New Plow
- The Nine Horse Hitch
- The Nine Rings
- The Oak and Thorn
- The Oarsmans Pride
- The Old Sheep
- The Plowmans Blade
- The Queens Blessing
- The Queens Glory in Radiance
- The Queens Lance
- The Queens Man
- The Red Bull
- The River Gate
- The Riverman
- The Rose of the Eldar
- The Ruffled Goose
- The Seven-Striped Lass
- The Shaken Fist
- The Silver Horn
- The Silver Penny
- The Silver Pig
- The Silver Swan
- The Southern Hoop
- The Stag and Lion
- The Star
- The Stranded Goose
- The Three Ladies of Maredo
- The Three Moons
- The Three Plum Blossoms
- The Three Stars
- The Three Towers
- The Tipsy Gelding
- The Tremalking Splice
- The Twelve Salt Wells
- The Two Apples
- The Upriver Run
- The Wagon Seat
- The Wagoners Whip
- The Wandering Woman
- The Wayfarers Rest
- The White Crescent
- The White Swan
- The White Tower
- The Wild Boar
- The Winds Favor
- The Winter Blossom
- The Yearly Brawl
- Three Plum Court
- Waylands Forge
- Whats New
- White Boar
- Winespring Inn