An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. She is Domani. Her Warder is Marlesh.
Physical Description#
She is pretty and young. She has long black hair and striking green eyes. (TGS,Ch13)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Covarla Baldene, Lusonia Cole, Vasha and Hattori are four of Galina's Aes Sedai at Dumai's Wells. They and eight others manage to escape. (LoC,Ch55)
- Covarla, Lusonia Cole, Vasha, Hattori and the others return to the White Tower. Elaida sends them to the small village of Dorlan to keep them quiet. (ACoS,Ch32)
- Vasha watches as Marlesh and Sleete duel with Gawyn. (TGS,Ch13)