This page (revision-7) was last changed on 18-Sep-2022 01:08 by Administrator

This page was created on 02-Nov-2021 15:13 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
7 18-Sep-2022 01:08 944 bytes Administrator to previous
6 18-Sep-2022 01:02 980 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Category Younglings ==> Category.Youngling Members
5 17-Sep-2022 17:04 953 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Category H Character ==> Category.H Characters
4 17-Sep-2022 13:07 931 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Category Characters ==> Category.Characters
3 20-Dec-2021 22:30 911 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 02-Nov-2021 15:14 852 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 02-Nov-2021 15:13 954 bytes Administrator to last

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* [Jisao Hamora|../characters/j/jisao], [Benji Dalfor|../characters/b/benji_dalfor], Hal Moir and [Arwin|arwin] are among the [Younglings] who accompany [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and the [Aes Sedai] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* When [Benji Dalfor|../characters/b/benji_dalfor] is killed by the [Shaido], [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] sends Hal to alert the [Younglings] at the rear. ([LoC,Ch55])
* Hal and [Jisao|jisao] are with [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] after the battle of [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells]. ([ACoS,Prologue])
* Hal Moir guards the back door to the mayor-s house in [Dorlan|../geography/tar_valon/dorlan/index]. ([TGS,Ch13])
* [Jisao Hamora], [Benji Dalfor], Hal Moir and [Arwin|arwin] are among the [Younglings] who accompany [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] and the [Aes Sedai] to [Cairhien|Cairhien (Country)]. ([LoC,Prologue])
* When [Benji Dalfor] is killed by the [Shaido], [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] sends Hal to alert the [Younglings] at the rear. ([LoC,Ch55])
* Hal and [Jisao|Jisao Hamora] are with [Gawyn|Gawyn Trakand] after the battle of [Dumai's Wells|Dumais Wells]. ([ACoS,Prologue])
* Hal Moir guards the back door to the mayor's house in [Dorlan]. ([TGS,Ch13])
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