This page (revision-22) was last changed on 11-Mar-2025 01:46 by Administrator

This page was created on 11-Jan-2022 21:23 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 11-Mar-2025 01:46 2 KB Administrator to previous
21 11-Mar-2025 01:35 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 14 changed one line
* [Egwene|Egwene (Show)], dressed in novice white, is cleaning %%amyrlin [Siuan|Siuan (Show)]'s%% room and takes a long look at Siuan's Amyrlin dress.[2] Next, she is walking along a outer walkway on the [Tower|White Tower] when %%blue [Leane|Leane (Show)]%% wordlessly drops a cup into Egwene's bucket and keeps walking. Later, while cleaning a plate, Egwene sees %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%% being intimate with her two [Warders], Maksim and [Ihvon|Ihvon (Show)]. Egwene gets embarrassed and quickly leaves, but not before Alanna sees her. Later, Egwene passes by the training grounds, where
* [Egwene|Egwene (Show)], while doing her novices chores, sees %%green [Alanna|Alanna (Show)]%% being intimate with her two [Warders], Maksim and [Ihvon|Ihvon (Show)]. Egwene gets embarrassed and quickly leaves, but not before Alanna sees her.