This page (revision-23) was last changed on 24-Feb-2025 01:51 by Administrator

This page was created on 11-Jan-2022 21:36 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
23 24-Feb-2025 01:51 3 KB Administrator to previous
22 24-Feb-2025 01:48 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last Stepin (TV) ==> Stepin (Show)
21 22-Feb-2025 13:48 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last Nynaeve (TV) ==> Nynaeve (Show)

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At line 3 changed one line
A [Warder] to [Kerene|Kerene (TV)].
A [Warder] to [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)].
At line 12 changed 2 lines
* [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] and Stepin are practicing with their weapons. Stepin mentions that the [Amyrlin Seat|Aes Sedai] is still annoyed with [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)|Moiraine (Show)]. Looking over at [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)], Stepin questions [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)]'s choice in traveling companions. [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] corrects him, saying that she's barely company. Stepin sees [Kerene|Kerene (TV)] approaching and walks over to talk with her. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin and [Kerene|Kerene (TV)] are in their tent and talking about [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)|Moiraine (Show)] and [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)]. Stepin mentions that [Liandrin|Liandrin (TV)] has been talking to the other [Aes Sedai] and the rumors of the [Red Ajah] gentling men across the countryside. ([Episode 104])
* [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] and Stepin are practicing with their weapons. Stepin mentions that the [Amyrlin Seat|Aes Sedai] is still annoyed with [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)|Moiraine (Show)]. Looking over at [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)], Stepin questions [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)]'s choice in traveling companions. [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] corrects him, saying that she's barely company. Stepin sees [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)] approaching and walks over to talk with her. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin and [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)] are in their tent and talking about [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)|Moiraine (Show)] and [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)]. Stepin mentions that [Liandrin|Liandrin (TV)] has been talking to the other [Aes Sedai] and the rumors of the [Red Ajah] gentling men across the countryside. ([Episode 104])
At line 15 changed 4 lines
* Stepin feels what has happened to [Kerene|Kerene (TV)] and relays the information to the other [Warder] and [Aes Sedai]. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin feels [Kerene|Kerene (TV)] dying. The battle is still raging on and Stepin barely recovers in time to protect himself from an attack. Stepin, [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] head towards the cave. ([Episode 104])
* Upon seeing [Kerene|Kerene (TV)]'s body, Stepin goes berzerk and attacks [Logain|Logain (TV)] with his axes. The axes penetrate the shield, giving [Logain|Logain (TV)] the chance to turn them into shrapnel and hurling them back at everyone. Everyone except [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] is hurt or dying. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] yells "No!" and [Heals|Weaves] everyone who was injured. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin is guiding [Kerene|Kerene (TV)]'s horse, which has boots backwards in the stirrups. ([Episode 105])
* Stepin feels what has happened to [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)] and relays the information to the other [Warder] and [Aes Sedai]. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin feels [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)] dying. The battle is still raging on and Stepin barely recovers in time to protect himself from an attack. Stepin, [Lan|Lan (TV)|Lan (Show)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] head towards the cave. ([Episode 104])
* Upon seeing [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)]'s body, Stepin goes berzerk and attacks [Logain|Logain (TV)] with his axes. The axes penetrate the shield, giving [Logain|Logain (TV)] the chance to turn them into shrapnel and hurling them back at everyone. Everyone except [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] is hurt or dying. [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] yells "No!" and [Heals|Weaves] everyone who was injured. ([Episode 104])
* Stepin is guiding [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)]'s horse, which has boots backwards in the stirrups. ([Episode 105])
At line 20 changed 2 lines
* Stepin tells the story of how he became [Kerene|Kerene (TV)]'s warder. ([Episode 105])
* Stepin walks out onto an open area high in the [White Tower]. He approaches an open furnace containing molten metal. He kisses [Kerene|Kerene (TV)]'s ring and then drops it in the furnace where it melts completely away. ([Episode 105])
* Stepin tells the story of how he became [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)]'s warder. ([Episode 105])
* Stepin walks out onto an open area high in the [White Tower]. He approaches an open furnace containing molten metal. He kisses [Kerene|Kerene (TV)|Kerene (Show)]'s ring and then drops it in the furnace where it melts completely away. ([Episode 105])