Title: King Laman Damodred
Pronunciation: LAH-mahn DAH-moh-drehd
King of Cairhien. He was uncle to Moiraine Damodred and cousin to Barthanes. Three brothers, Moressin, Aldecain and Dalresin.
Physical Description#
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Laman ascends the Sun Throne in 965 NE. (Guide)
- King Laman orders Avendoraldera cut down to build a massive throne for himself.
- Learning of this insult, four clans of the Aiel cross the Spine of the World intent on killing Laman. This begins the Aiel War in 976 NE.
- Three years later, the Aiel finally succeed in killing Laman and retreat to the Aiel Waste ending the Aiel War at the end of 978 NE. (NS,Ch1, NS,Ch5)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- Tor Website Q&A
- Laman was cousin to Barthanes Damodred.
- In New Spring
- NS,Ch1 - Horns sound near Dragonmount announcing the death of King Laman.
- NS,Ch2 - Horns sound outside Tar Valon announcing the death of King Laman.
- NS,Ch5 - Merean tells Moiraine that King Laman and his brothers, Moressin Damodred and Aldecain Damodred, were killed.
- In The Eye of the World
- TEotW,Ch6 - In his delirium, Tam rants about Laman's sin - cutting down Avendoraldera
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch39 - Elayne recounts how the Aiel War, from their perspective, was simply and execution of King Laman for cutting down Avendoraldera, a sapling of Avendesora.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch17 - Moiraine was Laman's niece.
- TSR,Ch34 - Rhuarc explains some of Rand's visions in the glass columns. The young man giving them water was Cairhienin. This led to the gift of Avendoraldera, its cutting by Laman, the Aiel War, and thereby Rand's birth.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch30 - Gareth Bryne was not sure why he fought in the Aiel War, but he thinks Laman got what he deserved.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch52 - On seeing the Sun Throne, Elayne is not surprised that Laman wanted a finer throne.