This page (revision-17) was last changed on 21-Feb-2025 10:36 by Administrator

This page was created on 14-Mar-2022 23:56 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
17 21-Feb-2025 10:36 3 KB Administrator to previous
16 21-Feb-2025 10:34 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Amalisa Jagad (TV) ==> Amalisa Jagad (Show)
15 21-Feb-2025 10:32 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Agelmar (TV) ==> Agelmar (Show)
14 21-Feb-2025 03:01 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Egwene (TV) ==> Egwene (Show)
13 21-Feb-2025 02:53 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category.TV Characters ==> Category.Show Characters
12 21-Feb-2025 01:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Moiraine (TV) ==> Moiraine (Show)
11 24-Oct-2022 23:00 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
10 24-Oct-2022 22:57 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category TV Character ==> Category.TV Characters
9 19-Apr-2022 08:29 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 19-Apr-2022 08:27 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 19-Apr-2022 08:26 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 19-Mar-2022 10:49 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 19-Mar-2022 10:48 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 15-Mar-2022 00:01 803 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
3 14-Mar-2022 23:58 817 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 14-Mar-2022 23:57 580 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 14-Mar-2022 23:56 25 bytes Administrator to last

Difference between version and

At line 13 added 8 lines
* [Agelmar|Agelmar (TV)], his sister, Amalisa, and his men are walking through [Fal Dara] planning with their men. Amalisa, for a second time, points out that [Gap|Tarwins Gap] will not hold against the onslaught. ([Episode 108])
* Amalisa is helping [Agelmar|Agelmar (TV)] into his armor while at the same time trying to convince him to wear their father's armor. ([Episode 108])
* While the male warriors head towards the [Gap|Tarwins Gap], the females fortify [Fal Dara], with Amalisa, wearing her father's armor, organizing them. She calls for any woman who can [channel|One Power]. ([Episode 108])
* [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] join Amalisa outside of [Fal Dara] facing the [Gap|Tarwins Gap]. ([Episode 108])
* Amalisa tells the others that they must open up to her when she reaches out with the [One Power] so that they can [link|Linking] together. They [link|Linking] and prepare to meet the oncoming [Trollocs]. ([Episode 108])
* With the [Trollocs] advancing, Amalisa draws even more power from [Egwene|Egwene (TV)], [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and the other two [channelers|one Power]. ([Episode 108])
* Waiting until the [Trollocs] are close enough, Amalisa [channels|one Power] lightning, decimating the [Trollocs]. ([Episode 108])
* Amalisa is still [channeling|One Power] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] tells her that they've stopped the [Trollocs] but Amalisa says that she can't let go of the [One Power]. Amalisa says that she can feel the whole world. Amalisa burns out. ([Episode 108])