This page (revision-16) was last changed on 24-Feb-2025 02:01 by Administrator

This page was created on 14-Mar-2022 22:56 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 24-Feb-2025 02:01 1 KB Administrator to previous
15 24-Feb-2025 02:00 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Yakota (TV) ==> Yakota (Show)
14 24-Feb-2025 01:58 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Uno (TV) ==> Uno (Show)
13 21-Feb-2025 10:32 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Agelmar (TV) ==> Agelmar (Show)
12 21-Feb-2025 02:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category.TV Characters ==> Category.Show Characters
11 21-Feb-2025 02:21 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Padan Fain (TV) ==> Padan Fain (Show)
10 21-Feb-2025 01:38 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Lan (TV) ==> Lan (Show)
9 24-Oct-2022 23:13 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 24-Oct-2022 22:57 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category TV Character ==> Category.TV Characters
7 19-Apr-2022 08:20 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 21-Mar-2022 23:30 722 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
5 19-Mar-2022 10:42 722 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
4 14-Mar-2022 23:00 540 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
3 14-Mar-2022 23:00 584 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 14-Mar-2022 22:57 570 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 14-Mar-2022 22:56 25 bytes Administrator to last

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At line 3 changed one line
[{Image src='Yakota (Show)/Yakota.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Yakota (Show)/Yakota.png' width='150'}]
[{Image src='Yakota (TV)/Yakota.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Yakota (TV)/Yakota.png' width='150'}]
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* The group enters [Fal Dara] and is greeted by Lord Yakota, [Uno Nomesta|Uno (Show)] and other guards. Lord Yakota greets [Lan|Lan (Show)|Lan (Show)] as "Dai Shan" and welcomes them on behalf of Lord [Agelmar|Agelmar (Show)|Agelmar (Show)]. ([Episode 107])
* Yakota reports that their men have spotted at least 60 [fades|Fade], so he estimates that there are between 5,000 and 10,0000 [Trollocs], with still more [Trollocs] coming out of the [Blight]. He also reports that two ropes were cut on the drawbridge, indicating that [Darkfriends] are in the city. ([Episode 108])
* Yakota, [Uno|Uno (Show)] and a team of men with pickaxes enter the throne room. They remove the throne from the dais and start chipping at the floor. ([Episode 108])
* The crew in the throne room have uncovered a box under the throne. [Uno|Uno (Show)] says it contains the [Horn of Valere]. Yakota explains that it's to be blown at the Last Battle to call the [Pattern|Wheel of Time]'s greatest heroes to their side, but it's for the Dragon Reborn to blow. ([Episode 108])
* Yakota and the others finally free the box containing the [Horn of Valere] from its cage. They hear a scream and go to respond to it, leaving the [Horn of Valere] alone and unprotected. ([Episode 108])
* [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] and the [Fades] attack Yakota and the others in the throne room. ([Episode 108])
* The group enters [Fal Dara] and is greeted by Lord Yakota, [Uno Nomesta|Uno (TV)] and other guards. Lord Yakota greets [Lan|Lan (TV)] as "Dai Shin" and welcomes them on behalf of Lord [Agelmar|Agelmar (TV)]. ([Episode 107])
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