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Physical Description#
- Halima Saranov arrives in Salidar and joins Delana Mosalaine as her secretary. She claims to have known Cabriana Mecandes and has information about the White Tower's plans. (LoC,Ch30)
- Halima tells Delana Mosalaine to support all the factions of the Sitters. She tells Delana to try to get Logain gentled or killed. (LoC,Ch37)
- Halima dances with Mat. (LoC,Ch44)
- Halima brings Egwene a note from Delana which says that she is putting before the Hall a motion to declare Elaida Black Ajah because Halima's account from Cabriana. Halima gives Egwene a neck rub. (ACoS,Ch12)
- Halima has moved into Egwene's tent. (TPoD,Ch15)
- Halima accompanies Delana to the meeting between the Sitters and the Andorans and Murandians. (TPoD,Ch17)
- Halima watches as Egwene talks with Talmanes. (TPoD,Ch18)
- Halima has a lengthy discussion with Delana on the way back to the camp. (TPoD,Ch19)
- Egwene confides in Halima about some of her plans. When she sends Halima out for a private conversation with Siuan, Halima is clearly angry and Egwene's headache begins immediately. (CoT,Ch18)
- The night after the Sitters discuss an alliance with the Black Tower Halima is not around. She returns the late in the night seeming agitated. (CoT,Ch20)
- Halima leaves early in the morning the day of Egwene's mission to Tar Valon. (CoT,Ch30)
- As soon as Jahar Narishma mentions a man channeling, Delana runs from the tent where the Sitters are meeting. She, Halima and Miesa are last seen hurrying to the Traveling Ground carrying their bags. (KoD,Ch23)
Raw References (Possible Spoilers)#
- LoC,Ch30
- LoC,Ch37
- LoC,Ch44
- ACoS,Ch12
- TPoD,Ch15
- TPoD,Ch17
- TPoD,Ch18
- TPoD,Ch19
- CoT,Ch18
- CoT,Ch20
- CoT,Ch30
- KoD,Ch23
- AranGar
- Cabriana Mecandes
- Delana Mosalaine
- Egwene alVere
- Elaida do Avriny aRoihan
- Marigan
- Matrim Cauthon