Employees or Residents#
References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Eye of the World
- TEotW,Ch24 - Domon tells Rand and Mat about the museum inside.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch11 - In Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene visits the museum in the Panarch's Palace and finds several skeletons, a broken control statue, a stone figurine angreal and the sad bracelets.
- TSR,Ch38 - Carridin is going to try and secure the Palace for Andric. Liandrin and other Black Ajah are hunting for something inside the Palace.
- TSR,Ch46 - Thom tells Elayne and Nynaeve that Whitecloaks have surrounded the Panarch's Palace.
- TSR,Ch51 - Thom, Juilin and Bayle Domon all discover evidence that the Black Ajah is in the Panarch's Palace.
- TSR,Ch52 - In Tel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve visits the Panarch's Palace, learns Amathera's situation, and finds the seal and the sad bracelets.
- TSR,Ch54 - Elayne, Nynaeve and Egeanin rescue Amathera and retrieve the seal and the sad bracelets from the Panarch's Palace.
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