The Wandering Woman
An average inn in Ebou Dar on Mol Hara Square across from the Tarasin Palace. Above its arched door is a crude sign of a woman with a walking staff peering hopefully into the distance.


References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch47 - Not wanting to stay in the Tarasin Palace, Mat randomly selects The Wandering Woman for himself and his men. They are welcomed by the innkeeper, Setalle Anan.
    2. LoC,Ch52 - Mat and his men gamble in The Wandering Woman while Setalle Anan looks on.
  2. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch14 - Mat and his men are staying at The Wandering Woman.
    2. ACoS,Ch17 - Mat returns to The Wandering Woman and is attacked by two men with a large trunk evidently intent on kidnapping him.
    3. ACoS,Ch21 - Mat, Birgitte and Beslan spend Swovan Night evening drinking at The Wandering Woman.
    4. ACoS,Ch22 - Elayne and Nynaeve visit Mat at The Wandering Woman and run into Setalle Anan. Above its arched door is a crude sign of a woman with a walking staff peering hopefully into the distance.
  3. In Winter's Heart
    1. WH,Ch18 - Many high ranking Seanchan military officers stay at The Wandering Woman because of its proximity to the Tarasin Palace.
    2. WH,Ch18 - Mat has Lopin and Nerim begin moving his clothes and gold to The Wandering Woman.
    3. WH,Ch19 - Setalle Anan finds Joline and brings her to The Wandering Woman.
    4. WH,Ch21 - Egeanin and Bayle Domon stay at The Wandering Woman.
    5. WH,Ch29 - Planning to leave Ebou Dar permanently, Setalle Anan sells The Wandering Woman to Lydel Elonid.
    6. WH,Ch30 - Nerim and Lopin fetch Mat's clothes and gold from The Wandering Woman.
    7. WH,Ch31 - Suroth and Tylin return to Ebou Dar early. Suroth goes directly to her military leaders in The Wandering Woman.
  4. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch4 - The Seeker secretly meets with Furyk Karede at his room in The Wandering Woman.
  5. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch36 - Furyk Karede remembers Setalle Anan from The Wandering Woman.

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