Pronunciation: FOW-lain oh-RAN-deh
An Accepted in the White Tower. She is raised to Aes Sedai and joins the Blue Ajah.
Physical Description#
She has dark, curly hair and a round face. (TDR,Ch11) She has a dark complexion. (TSR,Ch1) She has dark, curly hair. (ACoS,Ch11)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Circa 986 NE Faolain enters the White Tower as a novices. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Circa 994 NE Faolain is raised to Accepted. (TFoH,Ch50)
- When Verin and the girls arrive at the White Tower, Faolain, Theodrin and another Accepted meet them and escort the girls to their rooms. (TDR,Ch11)
- She escorts Egwene to Siuan's study. Leane chides her and sends her to Marris Thornhill Sedai for punishment. (TDR,Ch13)
- After Lanfear disappears in the Accepted quarters of the White Tower, Egwene scans the whole area and sees only Faolain and another Accepted. (TDR,Ch25)
- When Min arrives at the White Tower, Faolain takes her petition for an audience with the Amyrlin. (TSR,Ch1)
- Faolain is at Salidar when Min, Siuan and Leane arrive. She is angry that they brought Logain. (TFoH,Ch26)
- Faolain and Emara taunt Siuan and are severely punished for it. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Faolain confronts Nynaeve and Elayne when they arrive in Salidar. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Faolain and Theodrin are raised to a level above Accepted. Faolain torments Nynaeve with petty errands. (TFoH,Ch54, LoC,Ch8)
- Faolain tells Elayne that the White Tower emissary is Tarna Feir of the Red Ajah. (LoC,Ch8)
- Faolain reprimands Elayne for not keeping her novices class under control. (LoC,Ch13)
- Faolain oversees Elayne and Nynaeve while they serve their kitchen duty penance. She is even more put out than usual because she wanted to work on her own project instead. (LoC,Ch15)
- As her first act as the new Amyrlin, Egwene raises Theodrin Dabei, Faolain Orande, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve al'Meara to full Aes Sedai. (LoC,Ch36)
- As a new Aes Sedai, Faolain chooses the Blue Ajah. (ACoS,Ch11)
- Faolain and Theodrin report to Egwene that no one but Halima was seen near Marigan's tent. They swear fealty to Egwene because she is Amyrlin. (ACoS,Ch11)
- Faolain follows Lelaine and Theodrin follows Romanda evidently now working as Egwene's spies. (TPoD,Ch16)
- Lelaine discovers Faolain's true purpose, questions her, then orders her to stay in hiding. (CoT,Ch30, KoD,Ch1)
- Faolain, Theodrin, Myrelle and Nisao are all sent with the embassy to the Black Tower. (TGS,Ch45)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#