Title: Lord Lir of House Baryn
An Andoran nobleman. He is High Seat of House Baryn. His sister is Aedelle Baryn.
Physical Description#
He is a whip of a man. (TFoH,Ch19) He is blade slender and blade strong, but too smoothly unctuous. (LoC,Ch1)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- During the Succession, Lord Jarid, Lady Elenia, Lady Arymilla, Lord Nasin, Lady Naean, Lord Lir and Lady Karind oppose Morgase's claim to the throne of Andor. Elenia and Naean want the throne for themselves. (TFoH,Ch19)
- After Morgase wins the throne, Lord Lir and Lady Karind lose favor for not supporting her. (CoT,Ch15)
- After "Lord Gaebril" takes over, Lord Jarid, Lady Elenia, Lady Arymilla, Lord Nasin, Lady Naean, Lord Lir, Lady Karind and other nobles are invited back to the Royal Palace and pass the time with him. (TFoH,Ch19)
- A crowd of nobles including Arymilla, Elenia, Jarid, Karind, Naean, Lord Lir, Henren, Carlys, Daerilla, Elegar, and Nasin watch Rand practice the sword against five men in courtyard of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. (LoC,Ch1)
- Lir gasps and panics when Mazrim Taim is lead into the courtyard. (LoC,Ch2)
- Lady Arymilla, Lord Lir and Lady Naean are in the Royal Palace when Rand meets with Abelle, Dyelin, Ellorien and Luan. (LoC,Ch16)
- Naean, Elenia, Lir and the other nobles avoid the Grand Hall when they hear there are Aes Sedai in the Royal Palace. (LoC,Ch49)
- Lir flees Caemlyn after Dyelin has Naean and Elenia arrested. (ACoS,Ch7)
- Lir and Karind are debating whether to support Naean or Elenia for the Lion Throne. (WH,Prologue)
- Lord Lir and Lady Karind support Arymilla for the throne and are currently in the camps outside Caemlyn. (CoT,Ch15)
- Arymilla dines with Naean, Elenia, Karind, Lir, Nasin and Sylvase. Lir and Karind want to press with an all out attack on Caemlyn. (KoD,Ch17)
- Arymilla, Elenia, Naean, Karind, Lir and Sylvase are all captured at the Far Madding Gate. Karind and Lir announce that they now stand for Elayne. (KoD,Ch33)
- Sylvase, Karind and Lir stand with Elayne when she holds an audience with the other High Seats. (KoD,Ch35)
- Elayne discusses the taking of Caemlyn with Lir, Dyelin Taravin and Perival Mantear. (AMoL,Ch2)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#