A generic description for creatures of the Dark One. They include cafar, Darkhound, Draghkar, Fades, the forger, Gholam, Gray Men, Trollocs, Worms and zomara.
References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In the Guide
- Guide - Luthair Paendrag Mondwin's armies mistakenly thought the exotic creatures of Seanchan were Shadowspawn.
- In New Spring
- NS,Ch11 - Per the Three Oaths, Aes Sedai may use the One Power as a weapon against Shadowspawn.
- NS,Ch20 - Thinking of the oval ring, Moiraine tells Lan that there are Shadowspawn in places he never dreamed of.
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Prologue - According to the Three Oaths, Aes Sedai can use the One Power as a weapon only against Darkfriends and Shadowspawn.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch21 - Rand sets wards around his camp that will sound an alarm if Shadowspawn enter.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch20 - Rand tells Elder Haman that Shadowspawn are using the Ways. Elder Haman agrees to mark the locations of all Waygates on maps.
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Ch19 - Traveling kills Shadowspawn.
- KoD,Ch30 - Masema Dagar convinces Aram that Perrin and Elyas Machera must be Shadowspawn because of their eyes.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch42 - Ituralde reports that Shadowspawn are massing in the Blight.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Prologue - Shadowspawn attack the watch towers in northern Kandor.
- ToM,Ch18 - Ituralde defends Maradon against a seige of Shadowspawn.
- ToM,Ch21 - The Shadowspawn horde drives Ituralde and his army into Maradon.
- ToM,Ch28 - Shadowspawn flood into Maradon after Dreadlords blow a hole in the city wall.
- ToM,Ch32 - Rand arrives in Maradon and destroys the entire Shadowspawn army in a storm of light.
- ToM,Ch41 - An army of Shadowspawn set by Graendal attacks the Whitecloak army.
Category Creatures