This page (revision-5) was last changed on 01-Oct-2022 08:05 by Administrator

This page was created on 05-Oct-2021 23:04 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 01-Oct-2022 08:05 2 KB Administrator to previous Category Geography ==> Category.Geography
4 30-Jun-2022 08:24 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Shaitan ==> ShaiTan
3 04-Dec-2021 01:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 05-Oct-2021 23:13 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 05-Oct-2021 23:04 2 KB Administrator to last

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## [TEotW,Ch42] - About twenty years ago, a man came to Stedding Shangtai. He was near death, but got well in the %%ot [stedding|Steddings]%% he told a story about the [Dark One|ShaiTan] wanting to blind the [Eye of the World].
## [TEotW,Ch42] - About twenty years ago, a man came to Stedding Shangtai. He was near death, but got well in the %%ot [stedding|Steddings]%% he told a story about the [Dark One|Shaitan] wanting to blind the [Eye of the World].
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## [CoT,Ch24] - [Loial] was afraid to visit his home, Stedding Shangtai, so he and [Karldin Manfor] left word at nearby [Stedding Daiting] about guarding the [Waygates|Ways].
## [CoT,Ch24] - [Loial] was afraid to visit his home, Stedding Shangtai, so he and [Karldin] left word at nearby [Stedding Daiting] about guarding the [Waygates|Ways].
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## [KoD,Ch20] - The [Trollocs] and [Myrddraal|Fade] that attack Lord [Algarin Pendaloan]'s manor probably came from the [Spine of the World] through the [Waygate|Ways] near Stedding Shangtai.
## [KoD,Ch20] - The [Trollocs] and [Myrddraal|Fade] that attack Lord [Algarin]'s manor probably came from the [Spine of the World] through the [Waygate|Ways] near Stedding Shangtai.
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