This page (revision-27) was last changed on 11-Mar-2025 01:25 by Administrator

This page was created on 09-Feb-2022 23:22 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 11-Mar-2025 01:25 5 KB Administrator to previous
26 11-Mar-2025 01:25 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 08-Mar-2025 00:59 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 01-Mar-2025 18:16 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 01-Mar-2025 18:06 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 27-Feb-2025 01:40 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 22-Feb-2025 13:36 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 29 changed 2 lines
* Loial says that [Machin Shin] translates to "Black Wind". [Lan|Lan (TV)] says that they won't make it to their intended [Waygate|Ways] and asks Loial how far it is to the [Fal Dara] one. [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] tells [Loial|Loial (TV)] to take them there. ([Episode 107])
* [Loial|Loial (TV)] tells them that they are at [Fal Dara]. ([Episode 107])
* Loial says that [Machin Shin] translates to "Black Wind". [Lan|Lan (TV)] says that they won't make it to their intended [Waygate|Ways] and asks Loial how far it is to the [Fal Dara] one. [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] tells Loial to take them there. ([Episode 107])
* Loial tells them that they are at [Fal Dara]. ([Episode 107])
* The four [Two Rivers] folk and [Loial|Loial (TV)] walk into [Min|Min (TV)]'s bar. ([Episode 108])
* Loial finds [Perrin|Perrin (TV)], [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and tells them about [Amalisa|Amalisa Jagad (TV)] calling for any woman who can [channel|One Power]. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] is frustrated with following the Way of the Leaf when everyone else is fighting. Loial says there's always options to violence, and if he's looking for a way to help, just ask. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] and Loial enter the throne room and [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] asks what they can do. ([Episode 108])
* In the throne room, [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (TV)] stabs Loial. ([Episode 108])