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27 11-Mar-2025 01:25 5 KB Administrator to previous
26 11-Mar-2025 01:25 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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24 01-Mar-2025 18:16 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
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[{Image src='Loial (Show)/Loial.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Loial (Show)/Loial.png' width='150'}]
[{Image src='Loial (TV)/Loial.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Loial (TV)/Loial.png' width='150'}]
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* Loial meets [Rand|Rand (Show)] in a Tar Valon library and identifies him as an [Aiel] man, which [Rand|Rand (Show)] denies. ([Episode 105])
* Loial knocks on [Rand|Rand (Show)]'s door and then enters. He asks [Rand|Rand (Show)] whether he knew that [Ogier] had access to the [White Tower] grounds. He say he went there and found his friend ([Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)]). ([Episode 105])
* [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] is sitting on a balcony sipping tea. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] and Loial leave [Rand|Rand (Show)] and [Mat|Mat (Show)]'s room in the inn. ([Episode 106])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] and Loial return while [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] is outside [Rand|Rand (Show)] and [Mat|Mat (Show)]'s room. ([Episode 106])
* [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] and [Lan|Lan (Show)|Lan (Show)] meet with Loial in the [Tower|White Tower]. She asks Loial for help with a crisis. ([Episode 106])
* Loial meets [Rand|Rand (TV)] in a Tar Valon library and identifies him as an [Aiel] man, which [Rand|Rand (TV)] denies. ([Episode 105])
* Loial knocks on [Rand|Rand (TV)]'s door and then enters. He asks [Rand|Rand (TV)] whether he knew that [Ogier] had access to the [White Tower] grounds. He say he went there and found his friend ([Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)]). ([Episode 105])
* [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] is sitting on a balcony sipping tea. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and Loial leave [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Mat|Mat (TV)]'s room in the inn. ([Episode 106])
* [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and Loial return while [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] is outside [Rand|Rand (TV)] and [Mat|Mat (TV)]'s room. ([Episode 106])
* [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] and [Lan|Lan (TV)] meet with Loial in the [Tower|White Tower]. She asks Loial for help with a crisis. ([Episode 106])
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* In the [Ways], Loial warns the [Two Rivers] folk against using the [One Power] because it will attract [Machin Shin] and then he leaves to catch up with [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] and [Lan|Lan (Show)|Lan (Show)]. As they walk along, he talks about the history of the [Ways] and how fruit trees once thrived on each of the "islands" and that the paths connecting the islands were once soft and verdant and covered in grass, but now, if someone were to fall off, they would fall forever. ([Episode 107])
* In the [Ways], Loial warns the [Two Rivers] folk against using the [One Power] because it will attract [Machin Shin] and then he leaves to catch up with [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] and [Lan|Lan (TV)]. As they walk along, he talks about the history of the [Ways] and how fruit trees once thrived on each of the "islands" and that the paths connecting the islands were once soft and verdant and covered in grass, but now, if someone were to fall off, they would fall forever. ([Episode 107])
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* Loial says that [Machin Shin] translates to "Black Wind". [Lan|Lan (Show)|Lan (Show)] says that they won't make it to their intended [Waygate|Ways] and asks Loial how far it is to the [Fal Dara] one. [Moiraine|Moiraine (Show)] tells Loial to take them there. ([Episode 107])
* Loial says that [Machin Shin] translates to "Black Wind". [Lan|Lan (TV)] says that they won't make it to their intended [Waygate|Ways] and asks Loial how far it is to the [Fal Dara] one. [Moiraine|Moiraine (TV)] tells Loial to take them there. ([Episode 107])
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* The four [Two Rivers] folk and Loial walk into [Min|Min (Show)]'s bar. ([Episode 108])
* Loial finds [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], [Egwene|Egwene (Show)|Egwene (Show)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] and tells them about [Amalisa|Amalisa Jagad (Show)|Amalisa Jagad (Show)] calling for any woman who can [channel|One Power]. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] is frustrated with following the Way of the Leaf when everyone else is fighting. Loial says there's always options to violence, and if he's looking for a way to help, just ask. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] and Loial enter the throne room and [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] asks what they can do. ([Episode 108])
* In the throne room, [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] stabs Loial. ([Episode 108])
* The four [Two Rivers] folk and [Loial|Loial (TV)] walk into [Min|Min (TV)]'s bar. ([Episode 108])
* Loial finds [Perrin|Perrin (TV)], [Egwene|Egwene (TV)] and [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (TV)] and tells them about [Amalisa|Amalisa Jagad (TV)] calling for any woman who can [channel|One Power]. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] is frustrated with following the Way of the Leaf when everyone else is fighting. Loial says there's always options to violence, and if he's looking for a way to help, just ask. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] and Loial enter the throne room and [Perrin|Perrin (TV)] asks what they can do. ([Episode 108])
* In the throne room, [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (TV)] stabs Loial. ([Episode 108])
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! Arad Doman
* In [Arad Doman], [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] is writing letters to [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] and [Egwene|Egwene (Show)]. Loial tells him it's time to go. Perrin says that Nynaeve and Egwene are all he has left, since [Rand|Rand (Show)] is gone and no one knows where [Mat|Mat (Show)] is. Loial says that Lord [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)]'s new tracker has lit a signal fire. The Hunt for the [Horn of Valere] continues. ([Episode 201])
* The group continues and comes across a dead dog and [Shienar]en. The [Shienar]en is wearing the same symbol as seen on one of the meeting attendees in the Darkfriend Social. The dog was apparently protecting the girl. Loial says that the dead [Shienar]en was one of those who helped [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] enter [Fal Dara]. ([Episode 201])
* At [Atuans Mill] on [Toman Head], Loial travels with the Hunters for the [Horn], enjoying fermented lionfish from the market (Scene 15 - [Episode 202])
* At nighttime in [Atuans Mill], Loial fights against [Seanchan|Seanchan (Country)] soldiers binding him with ropes during an invasion. [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] intervenes, taking down two soldiers, allowing Loial to hurl the remaining attackers aside with his strength (Scene 28 - [Episode 202])
* Loial, along with [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)], [Uno|Uno (Show)], [Masema|Masema (Show)], and the rest of the Hunters for the [Horn], as well as [Atuans Mill] residents, are captured overnight by [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)]. They sit surrounded by guards as a [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] leader arrives on a stepped palanquin with 20 steps per side, carried by 40-50 bearers, topped with a covered area holding the leader, [Ishamael|Ishamael (Show)], and a third figure (Scene 29 - [Episode 202])
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