This page (revision-35) was last changed on 01-Mar-2025 20:48 by Administrator

This page was created on 10-Dec-2021 00:22 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
35 01-Mar-2025 20:48 3 KB Administrator to previous
34 01-Mar-2025 20:47 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
33 01-Mar-2025 20:47 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
32 01-Mar-2025 20:46 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
31 27-Feb-2025 10:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
30 27-Feb-2025 10:33 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
29 27-Feb-2025 01:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
28 22-Feb-2025 14:09 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Perrin (TV) ==> Perrin (Show)
27 22-Feb-2025 13:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Nynaeve (TV) ==> Nynaeve (Show)
26 22-Feb-2025 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Mat (TV) ==> Mat (Show)
25 22-Feb-2025 13:39 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Marin (TV) ==> Marin (Show)
24 22-Feb-2025 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Loial (TV) ==> Loial (Show)
23 21-Feb-2025 10:57 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Danya (TV) ==> Danya (Show)
22 21-Feb-2025 02:53 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category.TV Characters ==> Category.Show Characters
21 21-Feb-2025 02:21 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

Difference between version and

At line 20 added one line
* Padan Fain attends the Darkfriend Social. ([Episode 201])
At line 24 added one line
At line 25 changed one line
# [Season 2]
## [Episode 201] - [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], Lord [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)], [Uno|Uno (Show)], [Masema|Masema (Show)] and the others meet with the tracker, [Elyas|Elyas (Show)]. [Uno|Uno (Show)] tells [Elyas|Elyas (Show)] to put out the fire before [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] sees it. [Elyas|Elyas (Show)] say the fire is not his.
## [Episode 201] - They arrive at a campfire. Many [Tinkers] have been killed. [Perrin|Perrin (Show)]'s eyes turn golden and he sees a vision of [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] attacking a woman and little girl getting away.
## [Episode 201] - The group continues and comes across a dead dog and [Shienar]en. The [Shienar]en is wearing the same symbol as seen on one of the meeting attendees in the Darkfriend Social. The dog was apparently protecting the girl. [Loial|Loial (Show)] says that the dead [Shienar]en was one of those who helped [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] enter [Fal Dara].