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35 01-Mar-2025 20:48 3 KB Administrator to previous
34 01-Mar-2025 20:47 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
33 01-Mar-2025 20:47 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
32 01-Mar-2025 20:46 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
31 27-Feb-2025 10:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
30 27-Feb-2025 10:33 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
29 27-Feb-2025 01:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
28 22-Feb-2025 14:09 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Perrin (TV) ==> Perrin (Show)
27 22-Feb-2025 13:48 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Nynaeve (TV) ==> Nynaeve (Show)
26 22-Feb-2025 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Mat (TV) ==> Mat (Show)
25 22-Feb-2025 13:39 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Marin (TV) ==> Marin (Show)
24 22-Feb-2025 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Loial (TV) ==> Loial (Show)
23 21-Feb-2025 10:57 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Danya (TV) ==> Danya (Show)
22 21-Feb-2025 02:53 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category.TV Characters ==> Category.Show Characters
21 21-Feb-2025 02:21 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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[{Image src='Padan Fain (Show)/Padan Fain.png' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Padan Fain (Show)/Padan Fain.png' width='200'}]
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* [Mat|Mat (TV)] walks over to Padan Fain, who apparently knows him already, and sells Padan Fain a bracelet that belonged to [Danya]. ([Episode 101])
* [Marin|Marin (TV)] gets the music started and people start dancing. Padan Fain is watching from the side. ([Episode 101])
* In the midst of the [Trolloc] attack, Padan Fain just puts down his mug, turns around and calmly walks away. ([Episode 101])
* [Mat|Mat (Show)] walks over to Padan Fain, who apparently knows him already, and sells Padan Fain a bracelet that belonged to [Danya|Danya (Show)|Danya (Show)]. ([Episode 101])
* [Marin|Marin (Show)] gets the music started and people start dancing. Padan Fain is watching from the side. ([Episode 101])
* In the midst of the [Trolloc] attack, Padan Fain puts down his mug, turns around and calmly walks away. ([Episode 101])
* Padan Fain is in [Tar Valon]. ([Episode 105])
* Padan Fain exits the [Fal Daran|Fal Dara] [Waygate|Ways]. ([Episode 107])
* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] thinks he sees Padan Fain in the [Fal Dara] market, but [Nynaeve|Nynaeve (Show)] says he's dead because he was in the [Two Rivers] at [Bel Tine|Calendar]. ([Episode 107])
* Two armed women are guarding a locked door. There's a knock on the other side and someone says "The kingfisher flashes above the pond." The women open the door and Padan Fain is standing on the other side along with two hooded figures. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] sees Padan Fain passing by the throne room. He thinks about picking up a weapon, but doesn't, and goes after Padan Fain. ([Episode 108])
* [Perrin|Perrin (Show)] runs back to the throne room to see Padan Fain and the [Fades] attacking everyone. Padan Fain stabs [Loial|Loial (Show)]. ([Episode 108])
* Padan Fain put the [ruby dagger|Ruby Dagger] back in its sheath on his belt. He says that the real reason he came to the [Two Rivers] every [Bel Tine|Calendar] was to watch over the [ta'veren|Wheel of Time] and at the battle, the [Trollocs] were there to capture them and take them to the [Dark One|ShaiTan] and hoping that some of them would turn to the Shadow. ([Episode 108])
* Padan Fain and the two [Fades] leave the throne room unmolested. ([Episode 108])
* Padan Fain attends the Darkfriend Social. ([Episode 201])
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# [Season 2]
## [Episode 201] - [Perrin|Perrin (Show)], Lord [Ingtar|Ingtar (Show)], [Uno|Uno (Show)], [Masema|Masema (Show)] and the others meet with the tracker, [Elyas|Elyas (Show)]. [Uno|Uno (Show)] tells [Elyas|Elyas (Show)] to put out the fire before [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] sees it. [Elyas|Elyas (Show)] say the fire is not his.
## [Episode 201] - They arrive at a campfire. Many [Tinkers] have been killed. [Perrin|Perrin (Show)]'s eyes turn golden and he sees a vision of [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] attacking a woman and little girl getting away.
## [Episode 201] - The group continues and comes across a dead dog and [Shienar]en. The [Shienar]en is wearing the same symbol as seen on one of the meeting attendees in the Darkfriend Social. The dog was apparently protecting the girl. [Loial|Loial (Show)] says that the dead [Shienar]en was one of those who helped [Padan Fain|Padan Fain (Show)] enter [Fal Dara].
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Book Character: [Padan Fain]
[Category TV Character]
Book Character: [Padan Fain]\\
IMDB: [Johann Myers|]
[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Show Characters] | [Category.Episode 201 Characters]