Title: Lord Talmanes of House Delovinde
A Cairhienin nobleman who is one of the leaders of Mat's Band of the Red Hand. He commands half the band's cavalry. His con is three yellow stars on blue. His banner is a black fox.
Physical Description#
He is a few years older than Mat and a head shorter. (LoC,Ch5) He is short and wiry. The front of his scalp is shaved and powdered in Cairhienin fashion. (KoD,Ch25)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- As Mat tries to escape the battle at Cairhien, he encounters the Tairen force led by Melanril and Estean. Talmanes leads the Cairhienin and Daerid leads the pikemen. (TFoH,Ch43)
- Mat coordinates with Estean, Nalesean, Talmanes and Daerid as they fight the Shaido. (TFoH,Ch44)
- After Mat leads them to victory, Nalesean and Talmanes declare that he is their general and swear featly to him. They decide he should have a banner of his own. (TFoH,Ch45)
- After the explosion and fire, Daerid, Nalesean and Talmanes come out to the docks to see what is going on. (TFoH,Ch53)
- Talmanes, Daerid and Nalesean talk with Mat in The Golden Stag in Maerone. Mat tells them to get the troops ready to leave on short notice to march to Tear. (LoC,Ch5)
- Mat leads Talmanes, Daerid, Nalesean and the Band of the Red Hand south along the River Erinin River. Talmanes is wounded when a dozen Aiel try to assassinate Mat. (LoC,Ch22)
- After Mat meets with Rand, he issues orders to Daerid, Nalesean and Talmanes to prepare the Band of the Red Hand to leave immediately for Salidar. (LoC,Ch33)
- In Altara near Salidar, Mat tells Daerid, Talmanes and Nalesean to make camp and set up defenses while he rides into town. (LoC,Ch38)
- Mat sends Vanin back to Talmanes with orders to wait. (LoC,Ch40)
- Mat leaves Talmanes in charge of the Band of the Red Hand with orders to follow the Salidar Aes Sedai. (LoC,Ch44)
- Talmanes keeps the Band of the Red Hand about ten miles from the Salidar Aes Sedai as they travel north through Altara. (LoC,Ch52)
- Talmanes and a hundred of his Redarms show up at the meeting between the Salidar Aes Sedai and the Andorans and Murandians. (TPoD,Ch17)
- Talmanes tells Egwene that he feels Mat needs him in the south. The Band of the Red Hand will stay in Murandy and help King Roedran consolidate the country. (TPoD,Ch18)
- After the Band completes its commission with King Roedran, Talmanes brings half the Band to Altara to find Mat. He brings Edorion, Carlomin and Reimon with him. (KoD,Ch26)
- While scouting, Vanin finds Talmanes and brings him to Mat. (KoD,Ch25)
- Talmanes convinces the nobles of the Band of the Red Hand to wear dull colors for camouflage. (KoD,Ch27)
- Talmanes escorts Banner-General Furyk Karede to meet Mat. (KoD,Ch36)
- When the Seanchan army attacks Mat's position, Talmanes leads the cavalry to attack them from behind. (KoD,Ch37)
- Mat, Talmanes and the Band ride through Murandy. They are heading to Andor to rejoin Estean, Daerid and the rest of the Band. (TGS,Ch20)
- Mat, Talmanes, Thom and others ride into Hinderstap to get supplies. Thom goes to one inn to get information while Mat and Talmanes go to The Tipsy Gelding to gamble. Mat wins a wagonload of supplies and the townsfolk turn murderous. (TGS,Ch27)
- Mat, Talmanes, Thom and the others barely escape with their lives. (TGS,Ch28)
- Mat reviews his plan to enter Trustair with Talmanes, Thom, Juilin, Mandevwin and Noal. (TGS,Ch34)
- Mat, Talmanes and Mandevwin listen to Verin-s story on how she came to be in Trustair. (TGS,Ch36)
- Mat, Thom, Talmanes and fifty Redarms ride into Caemlyn to meet Elayne. (ToM,Ch19)
- Mat and Talmanes set a clever trap and defeat the gholam. They collect Setalle and Olver from their inn and return to camp. (ToM,Ch31)
- At Elayne's request, Talmanes agrees to move several companies of the Band of the Red Hand to Cairhien. (ToM,Ch45)
- Talmanes buys a design for a new crossbow to supply the Band. (ToM,Ch52)
- Talmanes reads while Olver plays Snakes and Foxes. He finally wins a game, amazing Talmanes. Olver opens Verin's letter; it is a warning of a major invasion of Caemlyn. They rush outside the tent and see the glow of fire in the city. (ToM,Epilogue)
- Talmanes leads the Band to Caemlyn to help save people and to rescue the dragons. He is wounded by a Fade and the wound goes black. With Guybon and the Queen's Guard, they find the dragons and blow a hole in the city wall to escape. Talmanes is unconscious and near death from the wound. (AMoL,Prologue)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch43 - Talmanes is of House Delovinde. His con is three yellow stars on blue. His banner is a black fox.
- TFoH,Ch45 - Nalesean and Talmanes do not like each other, but they both admire and respect Mat.
- TFoH,Ch51 - Mat's Band of the Red Hand is growing so fast that Daerid, Nalesean and Talmanes are having to turn away recruits.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In Winters Heart
- In Knife of Dreams
- In Towers of Midnight
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