One of the new Forsaken.
Possible Spoilers#
aka: Corlan Dashiva As Dashiva he is a full Asha'man and claims to be from a farm in the Black Hills.Physical Description#
He has an ordinary face and is not young. (LoC,Prologue) In his middle years, he is a daydreamer. He moves in a hesitant, creeping way and tilts his head oddly when addressing someone. (ACoS,Ch2) He has lank, untrimmed hair. (TPoD,Ch13) He has a plain, creased face. (WH,Ch13)
Points of View#
See Osan'gar's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- After their debacle at the Eye of the World, the Great Lord captures Aginor's and Balthamel's souls giving them new bodies and new names, Osan'gar and Aran'gar. They are introduced to their new boss, Shaidar Haran. (LoC,Prologue)
- Osan'gar joins the Asha'man masquerading as Corlan Dashiva from the Black Hills. (WH,Ch35)
- Rand randomly selects Dashiva to accompany his entourage surprising everyone. He makes the gateway to take them back to Cairhien. (ACoS,Ch2)
- Dashiva is with Rand northeast of Cairhien. (ACoS,Ch3)
- Dashiva accompanies Rand into Cairhien. He suggests making a gateway but Rand says they will have to wait too long. His smell goes through a wild array of emotions convincing Perrin that he is mad. (ACoS,Ch4)
- Dashiva and Narishma are with Rand when Cadsuane makes her entrance. He tilts his head like a bird when talking to Rand. He laughs raucously when she asks if Rand is hearing voices yet. (ACoS,Ch18)
- Dashiva accompanies Rand as part of his entourage to the Sea Folk ship. On board he does not seem impressed with what he sees. Rand takes Min, Merana, Rafela and Dashiva to the Wavemistress' cabin for discussions. Dashiva mutters to himself. (ACoS,Ch34)
- When Rand is returned to the Sun Palace, Flinn, Dashiva and Narishma arrive. He seems very upset at the possibility of Rand dying. (ACoS,Ch36)
- When Rand wakes, Dashiva holds nearly as much of the One Power as Rand can. Dashiva accompanies Rand on his strike at Illian. When Rand announces that Sammael is dead Dashiva sighs loudly with relief. (ACoS,Ch41)
- Rand confronts some men loyal to Lord Brend accompanied by Dashiva, Hopwil, Marcolin and Gregorin. (TPoD,Ch13)
- When Rand says he will cleanse saidin, Torval, Narishma, Morr and Hopwil look at him with wonderment and hope. Dashiva looks poleaxed. (TPoD,Ch14)
- Dashiva and the other Asha'man accompany Rand as he Travels to Illian. The next morning, Dashiva opens a gateway to the Nemarellin Mountains. (TPoD,Ch21)
- Gedwyn and Rochaid lead the Asha'man including Dashiva as they Travel with Rand to Altara. (TPoD,Ch22)
- Rand sends Dashiva and Flinn with orders for Gedwyn to renew his attack. (TPoD,Ch23)
- Dashiva and seven other Asha'man hold gateways as Rand's army pours through, preparing for the final battle with the Seanchan. As the Asha'man join Rand, Dashiva rides up and weaves a barrier against eavesdropping. He tells Rand in very precise terms that saidin is misbehaving. His weave vibrates instead of holding steady. Rand belittles the problem and Dashiva's experience whereupon Dashiva gets angry. During the battle, Flinn and Dashiva stay with Rand. When Rand says that not even the Forsaken stand against the Dragon Reborn, Dashiva flinches. (TPoD,Ch24)
- Rand has Dashiva, Flinn, Morr and Hopwil accompany him to visit Cadsuane but he leaves them outside when they fail to intimidate her. (TPoD,Ch27)
- After the explosion, Rand spies Dashiva, Gedwyn and Rochaid together. Gedwyn says "... telling you I felt nothing. He's dead." Dashiva spots him, snarls, and throws fireballs at him. A few minutes later the three apparently leave the Sun Palace via gateway. (TPoD,Ch29)
- Moridin brings Cyndane to a meeting with Demandred, Graendal, Osan'gar and Aran'gar. He has Cyndane report on Rand's plans to cleanse saidin then orders the others to follow Rand and take him or kill him. (WH,Ch13)
- Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Moghedien, Osan'gar and Semirhage respond to the call of the Choedan Kal and Travel to Shadar Logoth to stop Rand. As Osan'gar sneaks up on Rand intending to balefire him, Elza Penfell uses Callandor to vaporize Osan'gar and the entire hilltop. (WH,Ch35)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Osan'gar helped make the Trollocs, but Fades still make him uncomfortable.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Ch2 - Dashiva claims to be from a farm in the Black Hills.
- ACoS,Ch3 - Dashiva is awkward and does not seem to know one end of a sword from the other. He talks to himself a lot. Nevertheless, he is arrogant and insolent.
- ACoS,Ch36 - Min notes that Cadsuane, Amys and Dashiva all have unreadable auras dancing around them.
- In The Path of Daggers
- In Winters Heart
- WH,Prologue - At the Black Tower, Taim adds Gedwyn, Kisman, Rochaid, Torval, Dashiva, Flinn, Hopwil and Narishma to the list of deserters.
- WH,Ch22 - After the failed attack on Rand, Dashiva disappears. Kisman does not know what happened to him.
- WH,Ch35 - Osan'gar resents having to play the role of Corlan Dashiva.
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Ch3 - Osan'gar has not been seen since the battle at Shadar Logoth.