aka: Nemene Damendar Boann, Anath
One of the Forsaken. Her real name was Nemene Damendar Boann. She masquerades as Anath Dorje, Truthspeaker to the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Physical Description#
She is taller than most men, with a smooth dark face and dark eyes. She has long, slender fingers. (LoC,Prologue) She is slender and very tall. Her charcoal black face is beautiful and she has large black eyes and full lips. (WH,Ch14) She has short, wavy hair. (WH,Ch17)
Semirhage in the Age of Legends - by Dabel Brothers Production ![]() |
Points of View#
See Semirhage's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- During the Age of Legends she is a famous Aes Sedai doctor. When she is discovered torturing her patients she is given the choice between severing and binding. Instead, she is one of the first to choose the Shadow. (LoC,Ch6)
- During the Shadow War, Semirhage tortures an entire city just to prove she can do it and for the pleasure. (LoC,Ch2)
- During the Shadow War, Semirhage was held prisoner for a short time, but she frightened her jailers into releasing her. (KoD,Ch27)
- Semirhage tortures a man every waking hour for five years. (LoC,Ch12)
- The thirteen Forsaken meet with the Great Lord in the Pit of Doom. Lews Therin and his companions seal the Bore, trapping the Forsaken for over three thousand years.
- After Neferi's accident, the Empress surprisingly appoints Anath as Tuon's new Soe'feia. (WH,Ch14)
- Demandred, Graendal, Lanfear, Rahvin, Sammael and Semirhage all stalk each other in Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch14)
- On the Great Lord's orders, Semirhage sends Fades and Trollocs to the Stone of Tear to battle Sammael's force. (LoC,Ch6)
- Demandred meets with Mesaana, Semirhage and Graendal and passes on the orders of the Great Lord to "Let the Lord of Chaos rule." (LoC,Prologue)
- Demandred has another meeting with Mesaana and Graendal, but Semirhage does not show. (LoC,Ch6)
- The Great Lord summons Semirhage and tells her than when Shaidar Haran speaks she should hear his voice. She resents being pulled away from her charge, a "willful and obdurate girl under difficult circumstances." (LoC,Ch6)
- At the command of Shaidar Haran, Semirhage drains every bit of knowledge from Cabriana Mecandes. (LoC,Ch6)
- Mesaana and Semirhage do not attend the meeting of the Forsaken. (WH,Ch13)
- Anath accompanies Tuon on the Victory of Kidron to Ebou Dar. (WH,Ch14)
- Suroth and Tuon visit Queen Tylin accompanied by Anath and Selucia. Mat barges in on them and Tuon inspects him thoroughly before they leave. (WH,Ch17)
- Tuon, Suroth, Anath and Selucia spend a lot of time with Queen Tylin. Suroth is shocked at the way Anath berates Tuon, but Selucia sees it as proper. (WH,Ch18)
- In the Tarasin Palace, Mat often runs into Tuon. Sometimes she is with Anath or Selucia. Sometimes she is alone. (WH,Ch28)
- Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Moghedien, Osan'gar and Semirhage respond to the call of the Choedan Kal and Travel to Shadar Logoth to stop Rand. (Tor Website Q&A, WH,Ch35)
- Rumor has Anath in seclusion since Tuon's kidnapping. (CoT,Ch4)
- Semirhage murders the Empress and the entire royal family of Seanchan. (KoD,Prologue)
- Semirhage appears to Suroth in disguise and offers to make her Empress if she will kill Tuon. (KoD,Prologue)
- Moridin calls a meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod and Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Mesaana, Moghedien and Semirhage attend. He orders them to kill Mat and Perrin but Rand is his. (KoD,Ch3)
- Semirhage goes to a meeting with Rand disguised as Tuon. Cadsuane's ter'angreal disrupts her disguise and leads to a battle. She is captured but she blows off Rand's left hand with a fireball. She tells everyone that Rand has Lews Therin in his head and is insane. (KoD,Ch27)
- Cadsuane, Nynaeve and Alivia report to Rand that they have learned nothing questioning Semirhage. (TGS,Ch1)
- The Aes Sedai question Semirhage, but all she tells them are tales of torture. (TGS,Ch5)
- Semirhage shows annoyance for the first time when Sorilea notes how human she seems. (TGS,Ch14)
- Cadsuane finally breaks Semirhage by spanking her and humiliating her. (TGS,Ch17)
- Shaidar Haran frees Semirhage and gives her the Domination Band. She and Elza capture Rand and torture him. When that is ineffective, she forces him to strangle Min. The Great Lord gives Rand the True Power. He destroys the Domination Band and balefires Semirhage and Elza. (TGS,Ch22)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- Glossary - Semirhage is listed as one of the Forsaken. First mention.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch3 - Asmodean tells Rand that he would give himself to Semirhage before he would face the Dark One for betrayal.
- TFoH,Ch6 - Rand questions Lanfear's assertion that Rahvin sent the Darkhound. Why not Demandred or Sammael or Semirhage or Moghedien?
- TFoH,Ch30 - From Lews Therin's memories, Rand knows that Asmodean and Semirhage were both poor at controlling weather.
- TFoH,Ch32 - Asmodean is astounded when Rand blocks Aviendha's gateway open. Only Demandred, Semirhage and Lews Therin had that ability.
- TFoH,Ch34 - Moghedien is angry because Nynaeve makes her feel and act like Semirhage.
- TFoH,Ch51 - When Rand decides to go after Rahvin, Moiraine warns him that Rahvin might be with Semirhage or Graendal or Lanfear.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Semirhage wears black in contrast to Lanfear's white.
- LoC,Ch2 - Rand recites the crimes of the Forsaken to Taim.
- LoC,Ch6 - Graendal does not know where Demandred and Semirhage are.
- LoC,Ch23 - Sammael asks Graendal where Demandred, Mesaana and Semirhage are. Graendal says Mesaana is in the White Tower, but she does not know where the other two are. Sammael tells her to find out.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Ch12 - Graendal does not believe Cyndane and Moghedien when they tell her Moridin is Nae'blis. She tells them to try peddling their story to Demandred or Semirhage.
- TPoD,Ch22 - There is a saying in the Two Rivers that when rain falls in sunshine the Dark One is beating Semirhage. Lews Therin tells Rand that Semirhage never sheds tears, she only causes them.
- In Winters Heart
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Epilogue - As Semirhage promised, a ship arrives at Ebou Dar with news of the death of the entire Imperial family.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Prologue - The sul'dam and damane can scarcely believe that Anath is really Semirhage.
- TGS,Prologue - Demandred and Mesaana plead with Moridin to help them rescue Semirhage but he angrily refuses because she injured Rand.
- TGS,Ch7 - Nynaeve wonders if Rand is mad like Semirhage said. She thinks it is a mistake to hold her.
- TGS,Ch15 - Moridin says he could kill Semirhage for injuring Rand.
- TGS,Ch19 - Tuon still finds it hard to accept Falendre's story that Anath was really one of the Forsaken.
- TGS,Ch23 - Rand exiles Cadsuane for failing to keep the sad bracelets from Semirhage.
- TGS,Ch26 - Aviendha raised the alarm when Semirhage attacked Rand. She felt his anguish through the bond.
- TGS,Ch29 - Rand plans to use balefire to destroy Graendal as he did Semirhage.
- TGS,Ch37 - Min used to see herself as a last defense for Rand but she now feels useless since she failed twice with Semirhage.
- TGS,Ch48 - Min is terrified when she hears Tam's story. She can still feel Rand's hands on her throat, but that was Semirhage, not him.
- TGS,Ch49 - Rand thinks about nearly killing Tam. He cannot blame Lews Therin or Semirhage for that, only himself.
- In Towers of Midnight
- In A Memory of Light
- AMoL,Prologue - Nynaeve berates Leilwin, telling her that Suroth gave the sad bracelets to Semirhage who used them on the Dragon Reborn.