Earlier Known Sitters - 979 NE#
- Saerin Asnobar (TPoD,Ch26)
- ?
- ?
- Jarna Malari (NS,Ch7)
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- Ferane Neheran* (CoT,Ch18)
- ?
- ?
- served an earlier term as Sitter, but the timeframe is not known
Members Before the Split - 999 NE#
White Tower Members After the Split#
- Rina Hafden (CoT,Prologue)
- Rubinde (TPoD,Ch25)
- Talene Minly (ACoS,Ch32)
- Joline Maza (deposed ACoS,Prologue)
Salidar Members#
- Lelaine Akashi (LoC,Ch35)
- Lyrelle Arienwin (sides with Lelaine, TPoD,Ch19)
- Moria Karentanis (chosen in Salidar, TPoD,Ch19)
- Delana Mosalaine (LoC,Ch35)
- Varilin (sides with Romanda Cassin, ACoS,Ch11, TPoD,Ch19)
- Kwamesa (LoC,Ch35)
- Naorisa Cambral (chosen to replace Delana Mosalaine) (TGS,Ch43)
- Romanda Cassin (chosen in Salidar, LoC,Ch35)
- Salita Toranes (TPoD,Ch19)
- Magla Daronos (sides with Romanda Cassin, TPoD,Ch19)
Members After the Tower Reunites#
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