aka: Saine Tarasind
One of the Forsaken. Her real name was Saine Tarasind. She has taken up residence in the White Tower.
Physical Description#
When she is disguised and hiding her ability to channel she is tall with a voice of silver chimes. (ACoS,Prologue) She appears just short of her middle years and has blue eyes. (CoT,Ch21) She has big blue eyes. (KoD,Ch3)
- by Dabel Brothers Production ![]() |
Points of View#
See Mesaana's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Mesaana lives over three hundred years during the Age of Legends. She turns to the Shadow after being turned down for a research job at the Collam Daan. (LoC,Prologue)
- Mesaana sets up schools to teach children the glories of the Great Lord. Slow learners are punished by death. (LoC,Ch2)
- The thirteen Forsaken meet with the Great Lord in the Pit of Doom. Lews Therin and his companions seal the Bore, trapping the Forsaken for over three thousand years.
- After escaping the Bore, Mesaana establishes herself in the White Tower.
- Mesaana is part of Be'lal's plan to trap Rand at the Stone of Tear. (LoC,Ch6)
- After Rahvin's death, Mesaana visits Shayol Ghul twice but finds only a very tall Myrddraal that will not speak to her. (LoC,Prologue)
- Demandred meets with Mesaana, Semirhage and Graendal and passes on the orders of the Great Lord to "Let the Lord of Chaos rule." Mesaana thinks the plan is a gamble. (LoC,Prologue)
- Demandred has another meeting with Mesaana and Graendal, but Semirhage does not show. Mesaana vents on Semirhage in front of Graendal and lets slip that she is in the White Tower. (LoC,Ch6)
- Mesaana asserts that she will have Rand under control in two or three months. (LoC,Ch6)
- Mesaana comes to Alviarin for a report on Elaida. She already knows everything that happened, so she eavesdrops. She appears tall and is disguised. She taps her lips while thinking. She orders Alviarin to keep Elaida alive and to encourage her to strengthen the Tower Guard. She warns Alviarin to serve only her, not Semirhage, Demandred or Graendal. (ACoS,Prologue)
- Mesaana tells Alviarin about events at Dumai's Wells. (ACoS,Ch32)
- Mesaana meets with Alviarin. She tells Alviarin to learn why the heads of the Ajahs are secretly meeting together. She believes that Galina Casban is dead. Alviarin notes that she is actually wearing a dress of bronze silk with black scrollwork. (TPoD,Ch25)
- Mesaana and Semirhage do not attend the meeting of the Forsaken. (WH,Ch13)
- Mesaana is summoned to the battle at Shadar Logoth but does not come. (WH,Ch35, CoT,Ch21)
- Fearing discovery, Alviarin uses the tiny red rod to summon Mesaana. Mesaana starts to punish her, but Shaidar Haran suddenly appears. He marks Alviarin as his, then begins to punish Mesaana for failing to come when summoned. (CoT,Ch21)
- Moridin calls a meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod and Aran'gar, Cyndane, Demandred, Graendal, Mesaana, Moghedien and Semirhage attend. He orders them to kill Mat and Perrin but Rand is his. Mesaana is still wan from her experience with Shaidar Haran. (KoD,Ch3)
- Demandred and Mesaana plead with Moridin to help free Semirhage but he angrily refuses because she injured Rand. Mesaana reports that the White Tower is nearly broken. (TGS,Prologue)
- Mesaana visits Sheriam and commands her to work to depose Egwene and to steal all the Dream ter'angreal. (TGS,Ch25)
- Sheriam delivers the Dream ter'angreal to Mesaana but she is one short so Mesaana takes a finger. (TGS,Ch43)
- Mesaana and the Black Ajah attack Egwene and her followers in Tel'aran'rhiod. (ToM,Ch36)
- In the wolf dream, Perrin arrives at the White Tower with the dreamspike trapping everyone who is in the dream world. (ToM,Ch37)
- Mesaana disguises Katerine as herself and sends her to find the dreamspike. (ToM,Ch37)
- Mesaana tricks Egwene and collars her with an a'dam. Egwene uses her strength of mind to deny the collar and in a duel of wills Mesaana's mind snaps. (ToM,Ch38)
- They find Mesaana in Danelle's quarters. (ToM,Ch42)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- Glossary - Mesaana is listed as one of the Forsaken. First mention.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Graendal does not know where Mesaana has established herself, but Demandred does.
- LoC,Ch2 - Rand recites the crimes of the Forsaken for Taim.
- LoC,Ch23 - Sammael asks Graendal where Demandred, Mesaana and Semirhage are. Graendal says Mesaana is in the White Tower, but she does not know where the other two are. Sammael tells her to find out.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In Winters Heart
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Prologue - Alviarin is afraid to summon Mesaana again. She figures that Mesaana probably wants to kill her for witnessing her humiliation and punishment with Shaidar Haran.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch39 - Verin tells Egwene that Mesaana is in the White Tower but she does not know her identity.
- TGS,Epilogue - The Black Ajah purge fails to catch Mesaana. Egwene thinks she may know how to beat the Oath Rod.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch3 - Egwene is certain the serpent in her dream means that Mesaana really is in the White Tower.
- ToM,Ch5 - Egwene believes Mesaana is behind the assassination attempt.
- ToM,Ch14 - Egwene vows that she will find Mesaana.
- ToM,Ch15 - Saerin, Yukiri and Seaine determine there are several possible ways Mesaana could have defeated the Oath Rod.
- ToM,Ch15 - Mesaana is more of a leader than Moghedien or Graendal; in a battle she will stay and fight. In sheer hatred she was second only do Demandred.
- ToM,Ch23 - Egwene is furious with Gawyn that he sprung her traps and perhaps spooked Mesaana.
- ToM,Ch33 - Egwene sets up a series of meetings in Tel'aran'rhiod that will be too tempting for Mesaana to pass up.
- ToM,Ch35 - The meeting to trap Mesaana is tonight. Egwene prepares for sleep.
- ToM,Ch36 - Egwene has several guards standing by in case Mesaana and the Black Ajah attack.
- ToM,Ch45 - Egwene visits Elayne in her dream to inform her that Mesaana was defeated.
- ToM,Epilogue - Shaidar Haran blames Graendal for the loss of Mesaana and other failings.