Title: Queen Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi
She is Queen of Saldaea. Her uncle is Davram Bashere. Her full title is - Her Illumined Majesty, Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi, Shield of the North and Sword of the Blightborder, High Seat of House Kazadi, Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Kunwar and Ganai.
Physical Description#
She is tall and pretty with a bold nose and large tilted eyes of dark deep blue. (TPoD,Prologue) She has an eagle's beak nose and a wide mouth. Her best feature is her tilted purple eyes. (WH,Ch27)
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Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- At the age of sixteen, Tenobia intends to lead her army into battle in the Blight. Davram Bashere forces her to change her mind. She exiles him for it, but the Council of Lords forces her to recant. (TSR,Ch56)
- Tenobia learns of Mazrim Taim's escape. Not trusting the White Tower to hold him, she sends Davram Bashere to deal with him. (TFoH,Prologue, TFoH,Ch56)
- Davram Bashere and his army disappear from Saldaea. Tenobia is also not cooperating with the Aes Sedai. (TFoH,Ch15)
- Queen Tenobia writes to Elaida asking that the White Tower stop meddling in her affairs. (TFoH,Ch49)
- Tenobia is avoiding Pedron Niall's agent in Saldaea. (LoC,Ch9)
- Tenobia joins the leaders of the other Borderlands to pay a call on Rand. She brings five Aes Sedai with her. (TPoD,Prologue)
- King Easar, Queen Ethenielle, King Paitar, Queen Tenobia and their armies arrive in Braem Wood. (WH,Ch9)
- Merilille finds the Shienarans and King Easar. She meets with him and the other Borderlands rulers. Tenobia lets slip that they know that Elayne is close to Rand and was at Falme. (WH,Ch26)
- Elayne meets with King Easar, Queen Ethenielle, King Paitar and Queen Tenobia. They agree that the Borderlands armies will move through Andor unmolested. Tenobia is anxious to meet with her uncle Davram. (WH,Ch27)
- Easar, Ethenielle, Paitar and Tenobia meet with Rand in Far Madding. They slap him hard and question him about Tellindal Tirraso. He answers correctly, fulfilling a Foretelling and they acknowledge him as the Dragon Reborn. (ToM,Ch51)
- Easar, Ethenielle, Paitar and Tenobia swear fealty to Rand and their armies accompany him to the Field of Merrilor. (ToM,Epilogue)
- Egwene, King Easar from Shienar, King Alsalam from Arad Doman, Elayne from Andor, Cadsuane, Min, Perrin, Faile, Nynaeve, King Roedran from Murandy, Gregorin from Illainer, King Paitar from Arafel, King Darlin from Tear, Queen Tenobia from Saldaea, Queen Alliandre from Ghealdan and Berelain from Mayene all attend Rand's meeting at the Field of Merrilor. (AMoL,Ch5)
- Lan finds Tenobia arguing tactics with Agelmar. She has a descent grasp of tactics, but is too bold for Lan's taste. She tells Lan that they fight "a glorious battle" and Lan responds back with "the men who fight have glory, but the battle itself is not glory." (AMoL,Ch9)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch17 - The war in Arad Doman is hindering trade with Saldaea to such an extent that it might cost Tenobia her throne.
- TSR,Ch41 - Faile's father, Davram Bashere, is Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia and is also her uncle.
- TSR,Ch56 - Tenobia is eight years older than Faile.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Prologue - The White Tower sends Memara to Saldaea to keep Tenobia under control.
- TFoH,Ch49 - In Elaida's study, Nynaeve and Elayne see letters from King Easar and Queen Tenobia asking that the White Tower stop meddling in their affairs.
- TFoH,Ch56 - Bashere tells Rand that he thinks Tenobia will support him as the Dragon Reborn.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch2 - Tenobia sent Davram Bashere to pursue Mazrim Taim.
- LoC,Ch9 - Omerna reports to Niall that Tenobia is in seclusion in the country.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Prologue - Elaida orders her kidnapped. Apparently Memara was not very successful.
- ACoS,Prologue - Omerna reports to Niall that she has left Saldaea.
- ACoS,Ch6 - Colavaere was happy to have Faile as an attendant because of her high standing as cousin to Queen Tenobia.
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Prologue - Next in line for the throne of Saldaea is her uncle, Davram Bashere.
- TPoD,Ch16 - Siuan Sanche hears from one of her eyes-and-ears that soldiers are moving south out of Kandor.
- In Winters Heart
- WH,Ch27 - Her full title and lands are given.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Prologue - Davram Bashere knows that Easar, Ethenielle, Paitar and Tenobia are fifty leagues to the north. He worries about what they are doing and what Tenobia will do to him.
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch24 - Yoeli tells Ituralde that Tenobia took much of the army with her on her search for the Dragon Reborn. She left Vram Torkumen in charge.
- ToM,Ch51 - Min has a viewing of Tenobia, a spear hovering over her head, bloody, but shining in the light.
- A Memory of Light
- AMoL,Ch7 - Gareth Bryne praises Elayne for her handling of the meeting, including when Tenobia complained about Saldaea left exposed.