Title: Berelain sur Paendrag of House Paeron
Pronunciation: BEH-reh-lain suhr PAY-ehn-DRAG pay-eh-ROHN
The First of Mayene and High Seat of House Paeron. She wears the Diadem of the First, a golden hawk in flight.
Physical Description#
She is young and very beautiful. She is tall and pale with black hair and large, dark eyes. (TDR,Ch56) She is very beautiful with long black hair and dark eyes. (ACoS,Ch18)
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Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Berelain has been a "guest" in the Stone of Tear since winter. (TDR,Ch53)
- Lanfear sends Berelain to Moiraine with a message that Rand is hers. Berelain plans to dine with Rand. (TDR,Ch56)
- Berelain is in Rand's chambers trying to seduce him when the bubble of evil strikes. She is terrified and flees, passing Perrin and Faile. She talks with High Lord Torean. (TSR,Ch2)
- Berelain also runs into Rhuarc and tells him what happened in Rand's chambers. (TSR,Ch3)
- Berelain stays in her chambers since her confrontation with Rand. (TSR,Ch9)
- Berelain ignores Mat as she passes him on her way to visit Perrin. (TSR,Ch13)
- Berelain visits Perrin and tells him she will return to Mayene. She flirts with him in front of Faile, angering her. Faile picks a fight with her, but Rhuarc breaks it up and sends Berelain to her room. (TSR,Ch14)
- Berelain brings two thief-catchers with her when she leaves Mayene for Cairhien. (LoC,Ch53)
- Berelain sends a message to Rand that she is on her way to Cairhien with a small army. She also asks after Perrin. (TFoH,Ch51)
- Berelain sends regular letters to Annoura keeping her up to date. (ACoS,Ch19)
- Rand puts Berelain in charge of Cairhien. (LoC,Ch14)
- Berelain and Rhuarc report to Rand when he arrives at the Sun Palace. (LoC,Ch17)
- Rand orders Berelain and Rhuarc to hang Mangin tomorrow. (LoC,Ch18)
- As Rand prepares to leave Berelain reports that the hanging is set. She asks Rand to give her warmest wishes to Mat and Perrin. (LoC,Ch19)
- Amys, Bair and Sorilea meet with Berelain. Egwene tells them about the arrival of the White Tower embassy. Berelain leaves to tell Rhuarc. (LoC,Ch24)
- Berelain offers the White Tower embassy rooms in the Sun Palace but they decline her offer. Sarene works on Berelain discussing who will rule Cairhien after Rand leaves. (LoC,Ch25)
- Something seems to be bothering Berelain but she will not tell Rand what it is. (LoC,Ch27)
- In a foul mood, Rand hassles Rhuarc and Berelain about lots of minor issues. (LoC,Ch28)
- Berelain virtually goes into hiding, refusing to see anyone if it is not urgent. (LoC,Ch32)
- When Rand and Perrin return to Cairhien, Berelain begins actively pursuing Perrin. However, she acts embarrassed when she is near Rhuarc. (LoC,Ch50)
- Berelain sets her thief-catchers on the deaths of Meilan and Maringil and learns that Colavaere had them murdered. (LoC,Ch53)
- Berelain searches Rand's quarters and finds his belt and sword proving that he was kidnapped. (LoC,Ch53)
- Berelain agrees to remain in Cairhien and Havien Nurelle leads the Winged Guards in pursuit of Rand. (LoC,Ch54)
- Berelain brings in thief-catchers who trace the murders of Lord Maringil and High Lord Meilan to Colavaere. (ACoS,Ch5)
- Rand tells Annoura to take him to Berelain but fails to find her as she is staying on the Sea Folk ship. (ACoS,Ch6)
- She returns from the Sea Folk ship and it attacked on the way. She receives a note from Rand sending her back to Mayene. She confronts him angrily and he asks if she will serve him in another way. Cadsuane makes an entrance and dismisses her. (ACoS,Ch18)
- Before Berelain departs she leaves a letter with Min asking her to keep bugging Rand to visit the Sea Folk ship. (ACoS,Ch33)
- Berelain accompanies Perrin to Ghealdan. (ACoS,Ch27) She brings two maids and two thief-catchers with her. (TPoD,Ch8)
- Perrin is with a small group, Faile, Aram, Berelain, Annoura, Gallenne, Seonid, her Warder, Edarra and Nevarin, scouting Bethal. Perrin sends Berelain, Annoura and Gallenne to meet with Alliandre. (TPoD,Ch7)
- Berelain has not returned from Bethal. (TPoD,Ch9)
- Berelain, Annoura and Gallenne return with Alliandre and meet with Perrin and Faile. (TPoD,Ch10)
- When the Shaido attack, Berelain is the only one who escapes to tell Perrin about the Shaido and about Masema meeting with the Seanchan. (TPoD,Ch30)
- Berelain, Gallenne and Annoura confront Gerard Arganda after Faile and Alliandre are kidnapped. Berelain breaks to news to Perrin when he returns. (WH,Ch2)
- Berelain finds Perrin nearly frozen on a ridge. She has him brought back to her tent and has Annoura Heal him. The next morning, she offers him a truce. She is furious when he does not understand, so she starts the rumor that he spent the night with her. (WH,Ch5)
- Perrin sends orders to Berelain and Gerard Arganda to get the Mayeners and Ghealdanin forces ready to move. (WH,Ch6)
- Berelain brings Perrin a note that her thief-catchers stole from Masema. It is signed by Suroth. He tells her that Annoura has been meeting with Masema. (CoT,Ch6)
- Berelain watches as Masuri inspects the Darkhound tracks. (CoT,Ch7)
- The scouts return having found the Shaido. When Arganda suggests ransom, Berelain offers her gold and jewels to pay it. (CoT,Ch8)
- Berelain, Gallenne and the three Aes Sedai accompany Perrin to So Habor. (CoT,Ch25)
- At The Golden Barge in So Habor, Perrin and Berelain negotiate for grain with the merchants. Perrin insists on seeing the warehouses where they discover the grain is infested with weevils. The town also has a plague of ghosts. (CoT,Ch26)
- Perrin, Berelain, Gallenne and the others return from So Habor to their camp. (CoT,Ch27)
- When Gaul and Neald kidnap Galina near Malden, she tells Perrin, Berelain and Arganda that she is in Malden on Aes Sedai business and that she is protecting Faile and Alliandre. Perrin mistakenly trusts her to send a message to Faile. (KoD,Prologue)
- Arganda and Gallenne accompany Perrin and Berelain as they meet with Banner-General Tylee Khirgan. (KoD,Ch4)
- Perrin looks on as his small force enters the Malden aqueduct and the Seanchan begin dumping in forkroot. Back at his camp he meets with Tylee, Balwer and Berelain for a news update. (KoD,Ch26)
- Balwer and Berelain stay behind during the battle of Malden. (KoD,Ch29)
- Gallenne and the Winged Guard guard Berelain as Perrin's army rides through Ghealdan toward the Jehannah Road. (ToM,Ch2)
- Perrin and Faile inspect the patch of Blight with the Wise Ones, Berelain and others. He orders it destroyed. (ToM,Ch4)
- Berelain attends Perrin's holds a staff meeting. They agree to send a scouting mission to Cairhien. Sulin reports a Whitecloak army on the road ahead. (ToM,Ch6)
- Faile challenges Berelain to a duel to the death unless she can help put a stop to the rumors about her and Perrin. They agree to pose as friends. (ToM,Ch18)
- The scouting party returns from Cairhien and Caemlyn and Seonid reports to Perrin, Faile and Berelain. Perrin tells Balwer to write a letter to the Whitecloaks telling them to pick a place for battle. (ToM,Ch21)
- The next morning, Perrin's army meets the Whitecloaks. He orders the channelers and Two Rivers men to intimidate them then asks for one last parley and they agree. At the parley, Galad and Berelain are smitten. Galad gets a second shock when he and Morgase recognize each other. Perrin and Galad agree to a trial with Morgase as judge. (ToM,Ch26)
- Faile, Berelain and Alliandre walk through the camp when their weapons attack them. Faile saves Berelain. (ToM,Ch29)
- Morgase sits in judgment at the trial. Byar and Bornhald testify and Perrin admits to killing the two Whitecloaks but says he fought on the same side as Geofram Bornhald at Falme. Morgase judges it to be a fight between mercenaries and finds Perrin guilty of illegal killing, not murder. She gives his punishment to Galad and he delays his sentence. (ToM,Ch34)
- Faile, Alliandre and Berelain are all angry that Morgase found Perrin guilty. (ToM,Ch35)
- Berelain is part of the crowd that watches Perrin forge his war hammer. He orders Faile, Berelain and Alliandre to stay back when his army goes to rescue the Whitecloaks. Berelain is frantic that Perrin might kill Galad. She thinks Galad will be a fine substitute for Perrin as a political marriage ally. (ToM,Ch40)
- Berelain and Faile talk. She says love is not a factor for rulers, but Galad arrives and they are clearly falling in love. (ToM,Ch43)
- Berelain and Galad attend the marriage ceremony for Morgase and Tallanvor. Berelain sheds a tear during the ceremony. (ToM,Ch44)
- Berelain and Galad ride side by side through the gateway to the Field of Merrilor. (ToM,Ch53)
- Egwene, King Easar from Shienar, King Alsalam from Arad Doman, Elayne from Andor, Cadsuane, Min, Perrin, Faile, Nynaeve, King Roedran from Murandy, Gregorin from Illainer, King Paitar from Arafel, King Darlin from Tear, Queen Tenobia from Saldaea, Queen Alliandre from Ghealdan and Berelain from Mayene all attend Rand's meeting at the Field of Merrilor. (AMoL,Ch5)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch6 - Elayne is near tears when she learns that Berelain was with Rand.
- TSR,Ch8 - Elayne is determined to spend her last four days in Tear winning Rand and preventing Berelain from having him.
- TSR,Ch8 - Rand orders the High Lords to negotiate with Berelain to ship grain to Illian.
- TSR,Ch9 - Rand tells Meilan and Sunamon to come up with a reasonable treaty with Berelain or he will hang them.
- TSR,Ch12 - When Elayne hears of Aiel marriage customs she wonders if Rand will have another woman and hopes it is not Berelain.
- TSR,Ch14 - Berelain is still too afraid of Rand to talk to him.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch14 - Egwene has learned to recognize Berelain's dreams in Tel'aran'rhiod. Her dreams are normal except that her dreams of men make Egwene blush.
- LoC,Ch17 - Berelain's House is Paeron.
- LoC,Ch17 - Berelain and Egwene do not like each other.
- LoC,Ch18 - The Wise Ones seem very fond of Berelain treating her like an apprentice Wise One.
- LoC,Ch40 - When Elayne finds out about Aviendha and Rand, she is relieved that his third woman is not Berelain.
- LoC,Ch50 - Lews Therin hums in appreciation when Rand looks at Berelain.
- LoC,Ch50 - Min has a viewing of Berelain - "Just a man in white who will make her fall head over heels."
- LoC,Ch51 - Perrin stays close to Faile all day hoping that Berelain will stay away.
- Glossary - Berelain is High Seat of House Paeron.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In The Path of Daggers
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Prologue - Perrin still worries about what his men think about him and Berelain.
- ToM,Ch16 - Faile expects to have to deal directly with Berelain soon.
- ToM,Ch28 - Faile notes the way Galad and Berelain look at each other and plans to make use of it.
- ToM,Ch41 - As he prepares to attack the Shadowspawn army, he does not understand why Berelain smells so worried.