Pronunciation: SHEH-ree-ahm bay-ah-NAHR
An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was the Mistress of Novices during Siuan's reign as Amyrlin. She is Saldaean. Her Warder is Arinvar.
Possible Spoilers#
See the discussion on Sheriam in the FAQ, Section 1.5.4
She was one of the early leaders of the Salidar Aes Sedai and becomes Egwene's Keeper of the Chronicles. She is Black Ajah.
Physical Description#
As an Accepted she is slim. (NS,Ch6) She is a little plump, with a warm smile. She has high cheekbones, tilted eyes of the clearest, palest green and hair the color of fire. (TGH,Ch18) She is slightly plump with high cheekbones, tilted green eyes, and fiery red hair. (ACoS,Ch8)
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Points of View#
See Sheriam Bayanar's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Alanna and Sheriam are novices together. (TDR,Ch23)
- As a novices, Sheriam gets cold feet and refuses to enter the three arches on her first try. (TGH,Ch23, TDR,Ch22)
- As novices and Accepted, Siuan, Leane, Sheriam get into more than their share of trouble while Carlinya is a bit more circumspect. (TFoH,Ch26)
- Tamra Ospenya summons all Accepted including Sheriam to the Oval Lecture Hall where she announces a bounty for women who recently gave birth. (NS,Ch3)
- The Accepted including Sheriam scramble back to their rooms and prepare to leave the White Tower to take the census. (NS,Ch4)
- Sheriam tells Moiraine and Siuan that the Aiel really are retreating. She heard it from Serafelle, Jennet and Ryma Galfrey. Sheriam and Katerine hurry off from breakfast for their census taking leaving Moiraine and Siuan behind. (NS,Ch6)
- After Elaida's ministrations, Myrelle, Sheriam and Ellid put ointment on Moiraine's and Siuan's bruises. (NS,Ch8)
- When Moiraine returns from her test for the shawl, Myrelle and Sheriam tell her that they just came for Siuan. (NS,Ch10)
- On High Chasaline Sheriam is tested for the shawl and passes. She selects the Blue Ajah. (NS,Ch14)
- Kairen, Sheriam and Eadyth take note when Moiraine leaves the White Tower. (NS,Ch14)
- Sheriam is Mistress of Novices while Morgase is at the White Tower. (TDR,Ch46)
- Siuan names Sheriam as her Mistress of Novices. (TPoD,Ch17)
- Sheriam finds a creative way to break the block of a fifteen year old Theodrin Dabei. (LoC,Ch8)
- Sheriam meets Egwene and Nynaeve at the Tar Valon dock. She already talked to Siuan about them. (TGH,Ch18)
- Sheriam instructs Nynaeve and leads her through the Accepted test. She is surprised that Nynaeve could channel in the three arches and warns her not to do it again. She Heals the wounds in Nynaeve's hands after the last trip. (TGH,Ch23)
- Sheriam Heals Elayne when she makes a mistake channeling Fire. (TSR,Ch7)
- At the White Tower, Verin turns the girls over to Sheriam who turns them over to three Accepted. (TDR,Ch11)
- After her interview with the Amyrlin, Elayne gets a good switching from Sheriam. (TDR,Ch16)
- Sheriam walks up to Egwene and Nynaeve just after they are attacked by a Gray Man. She tells them to keep quiet. She will tell Siuan about it. (TDR,Ch15)
- Sheriam comes to Nynaeve's room to bring the girls to the Healed. She is quite angry that they told Elayne about the Gray Man. (TDR,Ch17)
- Sheriam brings the girls to a chamber deep in the White Tower cellars. Alanna, Anaiya, Brendas, Leane, Serafelle, Sheriam, Siuan, Verin and two other Aes Sedai Heal Mat. Sheriam then takes the girls to the kitchen to scrub pots. (TDR,Ch18)
- Sheriam meets Egwene in the hall and takes her to her Accepted test. After the second arch, Sheriam is disturbed when Egwene asks her about being forced to the Shadow. (TDR,Ch22)
- After her Accepted test, Sheriam helps Egwene get dressed and sends her back to her room. (TDR,Ch23)
- Sheriam uses her switch on Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve. (TDR,Ch25)
- Sheriam is among several Aes Sedai who happen to stop by the kitchen while Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are working there. (TDR,Ch27)
- Sheriam and the others who revolt against Elaida flee the White Tower taking eighteen novices with them. (LoC,Ch8)
- After the revolt in the White Tower, Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle establish themselves as the leaders of the Salidar Aes Sedai. (TFoH,Ch27)
- When Siuan and Leane arrive at Salidar, Sheriam, Anaiya, Carlinya and Myrelle question them thoroughly to prove their identity. (TFoH,Ch26)
- Siuan tells Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle that the Red Ajah set up Logain as a false Dragon. They begin planning to select an Amyrlin and Sitters and then move against Elaida. (TFoH,Ch27)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle give Gareth Bryne Siuan and Leane as personal maids. He agrees to build them an army. (TFoH,Ch28)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle meet with Elayne and Nynaeve when they arrive in Salidar. They learn that Elaida already knows about Salidar. They are anxious to learn about Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Sheriam gives Nynaeve permission to study Siuan and Leane. (LoC,Ch8)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle keep Elayne and Nynaeve busy at night with trips to Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Sheriam refuses to let Elayne join the Salidar Aes Sedai embassy to Rand. (LoC,Prologue)
- Nynaeve and Elayne take Siuan, Leane, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle and Sheriam to the White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod. After Nynaeve and Leane leave, the rest are trapped in a nightmare until Elayne can rescue them. (LoC,Ch7)
- Nynaeve eavesdrops while Tarna Feir meets with Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin and Myrelle in the Little Tower. They tell her they need more time to consider Elaida's offer. (LoC,Ch12)
- Nynaeve and Elayne tell Sheriam, Carlinya and Morvrin about finding the Bowl of the Winds. The Aes Sedai tell them in no uncertain terms that they will stay in Salidar and study. Nynaeve blows up earning them extended kitchen duty. (LoC,Ch15)
- Sheriam, Beonin, Morvrin and Myrelle interview Thom and Juilin when they return from their scouting mission in Amadicia. (LoC,Ch29)
- After Nynaeve Heals Logain, Sheriam, Romanda, Myrelle, Morvrin, Takima, Lelaine, Janya, Delana, Bharatine, Beonin, Varilin and Nisao all pile into the small room to see what happened. Sheriam and Myrelle then take her to the Little Tower where she Heals Siuan and Leane. (LoC,Ch30)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle and Siuan meet with Amys, Bair and Egwene in the Heart of the Stone in Tel'aran'rhiod. The Aes Sedai summon Egwene to Salidar. (LoC,Ch32)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle and Siuan are meeting when Egwene arrives. They tell her she is to be the next Amyrlin. (LoC,Ch34)
- Sheriam and her circle prepare Egwene for the ceremony. Sheriam, Morvrin and Myrelle accompany Egwene to the Little Tower while Anaiya, Beonin and Carlinya wait outside. (LoC,Ch35)
- Sheriam, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrinand [Myrelle keep Egwene up half the night telling her what they think is important. The next morning Egwene announces Sheriam Bayanar as her Keeper. Sheriam, Romanda and Lelaine are furious when Egwene raises Accepted to Aes Sedai on her own. (LoC,Ch36)
- Elayne influences Sheriam towards Egwene's plans. (LoC,Ch37)
- Egwene uses the news of Mat's army to convince Sheriam that they must begin moving north. (LoC,Ch39)
- Sheriam and her circle and the Sitters see Mat, Elayne and Nynaeve off as they begin their trip to Ebou Dar. (LoC,Ch44)
- Carlinya, Sheriam, Lelaine and Romanda want Logain gentled again. Delana wants him killed. (LoC,Ch52)
- En route to Tar Valon, Sheriam urges Egwene to stop their march for several days instead of just one. She notices Egwene's bracelet (the a'dam). Egwene tells her it was a gift from Elayne and Nynaeve. Egwene forces her to admit that she and her group sent spies to the White Tower. (ACoS,Ch8)
- Egwene sends Sheriam, Carlinya, Morvrin and Nisao to talk to the Sitters in preparation for the meeting with the Andoran nobles. (TPoD,Ch15)
- Egwene sends Sheriam to call a meeting of the Hall. Of the sisters who swore fealty to Egwene, only Sheriam seems to have fully recovered. She now does a good job as Keeper. That evening, as Sheriam enters her tent, she is shielded, stripped and beaten because she does not know Egwene's plan. She wishes she never spoke to a sister in the Hall. (TPoD,Ch16)
- Sheriam accompanies Egwene and the Sitters the the meeting with the Andorans and Murandians and introduces the nobles. (TPoD,Ch17)
- After the meeting Egwene has Sheriam ask the nobles about the rumor of Aes Sedai and Tower Guards in Andor. She learns nothing. (TPoD,Ch18)
- Back in the camp, Sheriam calls a meeting of the Hall for the War Vote. (TPoD,Ch19)
- Sheriam, Siuan and Chesa accompany Egwene as they prepare to Travel to Tar Valon. (TPoD,Ch30)
- Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle, Nisao, Sheriam and their Warder accompany Egwene and Gareth Bryne when they scout Tar Valon. (CoT,Ch16)
- Egwene and her party return to the Salidar Aes Sedai camp. Sheriam and Arinvar go to her tent. (CoT,Ch17)
- Egwene sends Siuan to fetch Sheriam to the meeting of the Hall. Sheriam arrives late and upset. She shrieks and sobs out of control when the Sitters propose an alliance with the Black Tower. (CoT,Ch19)
- The Sitters argue about the plan late into the night until Sheriam closes the meeting. (CoT,Ch20)
- Sheriam reports to Egwene that the sisters do not believe her dream of the Seanchan (People) attacking the White Tower. (CoT,Ch30)
- Siuan reports to Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle and Sheriam that Egwene and Leane are well and are prisoners in the White Tower. (KoD,Ch1)
- Sheriam embarrasses herself trying to act as Keeper during the Sitting of the Hall when Egwene is absent. (KoD,Ch23)
- Sheriam brings news to Siuan that Elaida now has Traveling. (TGS,Ch18)
- Mesaana visits Sheriam. She orders Sheriam to work to depose Egwene and to steal the Dream ter'angreal. (TGS,Ch25)
- Lelaine, Romanda, Magla, Sheriam and Siuan question Shemerin in Romanda-s tent. They are shocked at Elaida's audacity. Shemerin tells them about the waterway into Tar Valon. (TGS,Ch26)
- Sheriam steals the Dream ter'angreal but she comes up one short so Mesaana cuts off her finger. (TGS,Ch43)
- In front of the Hall, Egwene questions Sheriam and tricks her into a lie. She and Moria are bound with Air. (TGS,Ch43)
- Sheriam is stilled and beheaded. (TGS,Ch45)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In New Spring
- In The Eye of the World
- TEotW,Ch44 - Moiraine tells Basel Gill to contact Sheriam Sedai of the Blue Ajah at Tar Valon if he gets into trouble for helping her.
- In The Great Hunt
- TGH,Ch12 - The Aes Sedai in Siuan's party give daily channeling lessons to Egwene and Nynaeve until they can be turned over to Sheriam who is Mistress of Novices.
- TGH,Ch24 - Min is sure that only Moiraine and Sheriam knew about her being summoned to Tar Valon.
- TGH,Ch38 - Nynaeve is in a foul mood after being sent to Sheriam for fighting with another Accepted.
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch10 - Egwene recalls Sheriam's warnings about the dangers of channeling too much and enjoying it too much.
- TDR,Ch13 - Leane escorts Elayne to Sheriam for punishment.
- TDR,Ch14 - Siuan tells Egwene and Nynaeve to report to Sheriam for punishment.
- TDR,Ch25 - Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve discuss whether or not they can trust Sheriam.
- TDR,Ch29 - Nynaeve tells Siuan that either Sheriam or Elaida could have looked at Verin's notes during Egwene's Accepted test.
- TDR,Ch46 - Morgase makes a joke about her quiet talks in Sheriam's study.
- TDR,Ch47 - Tallanvor asks Mat who Sheriam is but he does not know.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch1 - Min views Sheriam - her face seemed battered and bruised.
- TSR,Ch31 - Sheriam believes that gentling male channelers has culled everyone's ability.
- TSR,Ch34 - Egwene tells Rand that ability in Healing varies greatly. Sheriam can barely Heal a small cut or bruise.
- TSR,Ch47 - When Min rescues Siuan, she asks about her friends Anaiya and Sheriam, but Min does not know if they escaped.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch15 - Nynaeve recalls the many lectures she got from Sheriam on being willful and stubborn.
- TFoH,Ch26 - Siuan and Leane were novices and Accepted with Sheriam and Carlinya.
- TFoH,Ch26 - Min has a viewing of Sheriam - Rays of silver and blue flashed about her fiery hair, and a soft golden light; Min could not say what it meant.
- TFoH,Ch54 - When Nynaeve spots Moghedien in Salidar in Tel'aran'rhiod, she thinks she has no choice but to warn Sheriam.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch8 - Gareth Bryne is angry because Sheriam keeps avoiding him. It is time to start moving the army.
- LoC,Ch18 - Egwene wonders why Sheriam and the Salidar Aes Sedai have not yet approached Rand.
- LoC,Ch30 - Delana agrees to help Siuan play Romanda against Janya and Lelaine with the goal of having Sheriam let Siuan join in their meeting with the Wise Ones in Tel'aran'rhiod.
- LoC,Ch34 - Sheriam is stronger in the One Power than Myrelle who, in turn, is stronger than Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya and Morvrin.
- LoC,Ch36 - Sheriam's last name is Bayanar.
- LoC,Ch38 - After Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve meet with Mat, Egwene sends Tabitha to fetch Sheriam.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Prologue - Elaida wants her stilled along with the other Salidar Aes Sedai leaders.
- ACoS,Ch8 - She, Romanda and Lelaine constantly battle for control of Egwene.
- ACoS,Ch9 - She received a note from Merana in Caemlyn the day they left Salidar but just now passed it on to Egwene.
- ACoS,Ch10 - Chesa was a gift from Sheriam.
- ACoS,Ch11 - For some reason Sheriam is not waiting in Egwene's study as usual.
- ACoS,Ch12 - Egwene plans to make her and the rest of her group swear fealty. She plans to take Myrelle, Sheriam, Carlinya, Beonin, Anaiya and Morvrin into Tel'aran'rhiod that night to meet with the Wise Ones to prove that the merchant's rumor about Rand kneeling to Elaida is false.
- ACoS,Ch23 - Reanne, Sheriam, Kwamesa and Kiruna are all about the same strength.
- ACoS,Ch32 - Elaida dreams about Sheriam being humbled and stilled.
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Prologue - Silviana thinks Sheriam was too lenient as Mistress of Novices.
- KoD,Ch24 - Egwene desperately wants to contact the ferrets that Sheriam and the others sent from Salidar.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch25 - Sheriam joined the Black Ajah solely for power. She never had any interest in the Chosen or the Last Battle.
- TGS,Ch39 - Sheriam's name is in Verin's book as Black Ajah. Egwene warns Siuan to watch her and Moria.
- TGS,Epilogue - From Verin's and Sheriam's statements, Egwene is convinced that Mesaana is in the White Tower.
- In Towers of Midnight
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