This page (revision-29) was last changed on 11-Nov-2022 15:22 by Administrator

This page was created on 10-Oct-2021 10:27 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
29 11-Nov-2022 15:22 14 KB Administrator to previous
28 29-Oct-2022 16:17 14 KB Administrator to previous | to last
27 18-Sep-2022 00:40 14 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category T Character ==> Category.T Characters
26 17-Sep-2022 17:13 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category M Character ==> Category.M Characters
25 17-Sep-2022 13:09 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Characters ==> Category.Characters
24 12-Sep-2022 21:37 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 05-Sep-2022 01:10 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category-AshaMan ==> Category.AshaMan
22 05-Sep-2022 00:54 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category AshaMan ==> Category-AshaMan
21 30-Jun-2022 08:24 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last Shaitan ==> ShaiTan

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Mazrim Taim
Mazrim Taim

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At line 48 removed one line
* The thirteen men that Taim had been using for [Turning|Weaves] are exhausted and Taim is angry at them. %%red [Pevara]%% had also been given the tea and is knocked out, which also angered Taim because he wanted to Turn her next. Taim orders his men to [Turn|Weaves] [Toveine|Toveine Gazal] next, but his attention is on a disc in his hands. Taim puts the disc in a pounch and tells [Mishraile] to come with him and that "it's time."([AMoL,Ch10])
At line 106 changed 4 lines
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