This page (revision-14) was last changed on 10-Nov-2022 01:02 by Administrator

This page was created on 10-Oct-2021 01:14 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 10-Nov-2022 01:02 19 KB Administrator to previous
13 22-Sep-2022 00:09 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Warders ==> Warder
12 17-Sep-2022 16:33 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Tinkers ==> TuathaAn
11 17-Sep-2022 13:08 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Characters ==> Category.Characters
10 17-Sep-2022 12:12 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Named Ogier ==> Category.Named Ogier
9 03-Sep-2022 22:45 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 09-Feb-2022 23:30 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 02-Dec-2021 00:20 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 16-Nov-2021 00:21 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 10-Nov-2021 12:17 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Bran alVere ==> Brandelwyn alVere
4 04-Nov-2021 12:15 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 16-Oct-2021 22:08 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last Seanchan ==> Seanchan (People)
2 10-Oct-2021 01:28 19 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 10-Oct-2021 01:14 19 KB Administrator to last

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aka: Ledar son of Shandin son of Koimal
aka: Loial son of Arent son of Halan
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! Points of View
See Loial's [chapter points of view|Loial POV].
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* A few years back, Loial meets some [Tinkers]. They are very interested in his Treesongs, but the trees will not listen to men. ([TEotW,Ch42])
* A few years back, Loial meets some [TuathaAn]. They are very interested in his Treesongs, but the trees will not listen to men. ([TEotW,Ch42])
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* Loial goes to [Caemlyn] and meets [Rand|Rand alThor] in [The Queen's Blessing]. ([TEotW,Ch36])
* He is playing stones with [Basel Gill] in the library of [The Queen's Blessing] when [Rand|Rand alThor] enters and tells his tales of meeting [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] and company. [Master Gill|Basel Gill] and [Rand|Rand alThor] leave him when [Gilda] comes in and tells them that there are [Whitecloaks] in the common room. ([TEotW,Ch41])
* Loial goes to [Caemlyn] and meets [Rand|Rand alThor] in [The Queen's Blessing|The Queens Blessing]. ([TEotW,Ch36])
* He is playing stones with [Basel Gill] in the library of [The Queen's Blessing|The Queens Blessing] when [Rand|Rand alThor] enters and tells his tales of meeting [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] and company. [Master Gill|Basel Gill] and [Rand|Rand alThor] leave him when [Gilda] comes in and tells them that there are [Whitecloaks] in the common room. ([TEotW,Ch41])
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* [Rand|Rand alThor], Loial, [Hurin] and [Selene|lanfear] stay at [The Nine Rings] inn where they are questioned by a suspicious Captain [Caldevwin|aldrin_caldevwin]. The next morning [Selene|lanfear] vanishes and the others head to [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)]. ([TGH,Ch21])
* [Rand|Rand alThor], Loial, [Hurin] and [Selene|lanfear] stay at [The Nine Rings] inn where they are questioned by a suspicious Captain [Caldevwin|Aldrin Caldevwin]. The next morning [Selene|lanfear] vanishes and the others head to [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)]. ([TGH,Ch21])
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* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara], [Faile|Zarine Bashere], Loial, [Gaul], [Bain|bain] and [Chiad|chiad] meet [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] and [Verin|Verin Mathwin] at the old sickhouse. [Tam|Tam alThor] and [Abell|abell_cauthon] join them. ([TSR,Ch31])
* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara], [Faile|Zarine Bashere], Loial, [Gaul], [Bain|bain] and [Chiad|chiad] meet [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] and [Verin|Verin Mathwin] at the old sickhouse. [Tam|Tam alThor] and [Abell|Abell Cauthon] join them. ([TSR,Ch31])
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* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara], [Bran|Bran alVere], [Gaul], [Chiad|chiad], Loial, [Verin|Verin Mathwin] and [Tomas] lead the forces at the north perimeter at the defense of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch56])
* [Perrin|Perrin Aybara], [Bran|Brandelwyn alVere], [Gaul], [Chiad|chiad], Loial, [Verin|Verin Mathwin] and [Tomas] lead the forces at the north perimeter at the defense of [Emond's Field|Emonds Field]. ([TSR,Ch56])
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* Guided by the missing [Aes Sedai]'s [Warders], Logain [Travels|Weaves] to find [Rand|Rand alThor] accompanied by [Bashere|Davram Bashere] and a hundred of his horsemen, a half dozen other [Asha'man], eight [Aes Sedai] including [Toveine|Toveine Gazal], [Gabrelle] and [Samitsu|Samitsu Tamagowa], Loial and [Karldin|Karldin Manfor]. ([CoT,Ch24])
* Guided by the missing [Aes Sedai]'s [Warder], Logain [Travels|Weaves] to find [Rand|Rand alThor] accompanied by [Bashere|Davram Bashere] and a hundred of his horsemen, a half dozen other [Asha'man], eight [Aes Sedai] including [Toveine|Toveine Gazal], [Gabrelle] and [Samitsu|Samitsu Tamagowa], Loial and [Karldin|Karldin Manfor]. ([CoT,Ch24])
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* Loial is in a panic when Elder [Haman], [Covril] and [Erith] arrive at Lord [Algarin]'s manor. ([KoD,Ch18])
* Loial is in a panic when Elder [Haman], [Covril] and [Erith] arrive at Lord [Algarin|Algarin Pendaloan]'s manor. ([KoD,Ch18])
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* Loial arrives at the [Field of Merrilor] and tells [Perrin] that he is now married to [Erith]. ([AMoL,Ch7])
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## [TEotW,Ch42] - Loial has a talent for treesinging. He tried to teach it to [Tinkers] but the trees would not listen to men.
## [TEotW,Ch42] - Loial has a talent for treesinging. He tried to teach it to [TuathaAn] but the trees would not listen to men.
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More [Category Characters], [Category Named Ogier]
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