This page (revision-10) was last changed on 06-Feb-2025 02:10 by Administrator

This page was created on 19-Sep-2021 18:30 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 06-Feb-2025 02:10 3 KB Administrator to previous
9 06-Feb-2025 02:06 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 05-Sep-2022 09:17 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category.Organizations ==> Special.Organizations
7 05-Sep-2022 01:41 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Organizations ==> Category.Organizations
6 02-Dec-2021 09:03 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 21-Oct-2021 12:45 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Dailin2 ==> Dailin (Maiden)
4 25-Sep-2021 13:24 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Jarra ==> Jarra (Sept)
3 19-Sep-2021 18:38 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 19-Sep-2021 18:33 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 19-Sep-2021 18:30 4 KB Administrator to last

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Maidens of the Spear

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At line 27 changed one line
* [Dailin]
* [Dailin (Wise One)]
* [Dailin (Maiden)]
At line 31 changed one line
* [Isan] ([Jarra] sept of the [Chareen])
* [Isan] ([Jarra (Sept)] sept of the [Chareen])
At line 37 changed one line
* [Liah] ([Cosaida|../organizations/aiel/cosaida] sept of the [Chareen|../organizations/aiel/chareen])
* [Liah] ([Cosaida] sept of the [Chareen])
At line 41 changed one line
* [Naeise] ([Moshaine|../organizations/aiel/moshaine] sept of the [Shaido])
* [Naeise] ([Moshaine] sept of the [Shaido])
At line 46 changed one line
* [Rodera] (a [Shaido] taken ''[gai'shain|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]'')
* [Rodera] (a [Shaido] taken %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%%)
At line 57 changed 13 lines
* [TEotW,Ch25] - Female [Aiel] warriors are called Maidens of the Spear, ''Far Dareis Mai'' in the [Old Tongue].
* [TDR,Ch38] - [Aviendha], [Bain], [Chiad], [Jolien] and [ Dailin|../characters/d/dailin2] are Maidens of the Spear.
* [TSR,Ch22] - When [Rand] and the [Aiel] leave [Tear|City of Tear], [Rhuarc] orders six of the [Aiel] societies, [Red Shields|../organizations/aiel/red_shields], [Brothers of the Eagle|../organizations/aiel/eagle_brothers], [Water Seekers|../organizations/aiel/water_seekers], Maidens of the Spear, [Black Eyes|../organizations/aiel/black_eyes] and [Thunder Walkers|../organizations/aiel/thunder_walkers], to spread out to look for the [Portal Stone|../items/portal_stone].
* [TSR,Ch23] - Maidens and [Stone Dogs|../organizations/aiel/stone_dogs] are especially touchy about ''[ji'e'toh|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]''.
* [TSR,Ch25] - [Morin] becomes the first Maiden of the Spear when she gives up the Way of the Leaf to help rescue her daughter, [Kirin].
* [TSR,Ch36] - As the [Aiel] leave [Chaendaer|../geography/aiel_waste/chaendaer], Maidens scout ahead while [Stone Dogs|../organizations/aiel/stone_dogs] guard the rear.
* [TSR,Ch57] - Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] for his honor. He has no Society, but he was born of a Maiden so they ask for the job.
* [TFoH,Ch21] - When men are taken ''[gai'shain|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]'' by Maidens they teach the man to sing to entertain them. When a man behaves foolishly toward a Maiden they taunt him saying they will teach him to sing.
* [TFoH,Ch54] - Members of every society including Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] to [Caemlyn].
* [LoC,Ch21] - Speaking to ''[gai'shain|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]'' as a Maiden, e.g., using handtalk, is a serious insult and incurs great ''[toh|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]''.
* [LoC,Ch28] - Only [Stone Dogs|../organizations/aiel/stone_dogs] and [Black Eyes|../organizations/aiel/black_eyes] are as touchy about ''[ji'e'toh|../../organizations/aiel/index.html#def]'' as the Maidens.
* [TPoD,Ch11] - Putting prisoners to the question is usually done by Maidens or [Black Eyes|../organizations/aiel/black_eyes].
* [TGS,Ch3] - Maidens and [True Bloods|../organizations/aiel/true_bloods] scout [Domani|../geography/arad_doman/index] refugees near [Rand]-s headquarters in [Arad Doman].
# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch25] - Female [Aiel] warriors are called Maidens of the Spear, %%ot Far Dareis Mai%% in the [Old Tongue].
# In [The Dragon Reborn]
## [TDR,Ch38] - [Aviendha], [Bain], [Chiad], [Jolien] and [Dailin|Dailin (Maiden)] are Maidens of the Spear.
# In [The Shadow Rising]
## [TSR,Ch22] - When [Rand] and the [Aiel] leave [Tear|Tear (City)], [Rhuarc] orders six of the [Aiel] societies, [Red Shields], [Brothers of the Eagle], [Water Seekers], Maidens of the Spear, [Black Eyes] and [Thunder Walkers], to spread out to look for the [Portal Stone].
## [TSR,Ch23] - Maidens and [Stone Dogs] are especially touchy about %%ot [ji'e'toh|Aiel]%%.
## [TSR,Ch25] - [Morin] becomes the first Maiden of the Spear when she gives up the Way of the Leaf to help rescue her daughter, [Kirin].
## [TSR,Ch36] - As the [Aiel] leave [Chaendaer], Maidens scout ahead while [Stone Dogs] guard the rear.
## [TSR,Ch57] - Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] for his honor. He has no Society, but he was born of a Maiden so they ask for the job.
# In [The Fires of Heaven]
## [TFoH,Ch21] - When men are taken %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% by Maidens they teach the man to sing to entertain them. When a man behaves foolishly toward a Maiden they taunt him saying they will teach him to sing.
## [TFoH,Ch54] - Members of every society including Maidens of the Spear accompany [Rand] to [Caemlyn].
# In [Lord of Chaos]
## [LoC,Ch21] - Speaking to %%ot [gai'shain|Aiel]%% as a Maiden, e.g., using handtalk, is a serious insult and incurs great %%ot [toh|Aiel]%%.
## [LoC,Ch28] - Only [Stone Dogs] and [Black Eyes] are as touchy about %%ot [ji'e'toh|Aiel]%% as the Maidens.
# In [The Path of Daggers]
## [TPoD,Ch11] - Putting prisoners to the question is usually done by Maidens or [Black Eyes].
# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch3] - Maidens and [True Bloods] scout [Domani|Arad Doman] refugees near [Rand]'s headquarters in [Arad Doman].
At line 71 changed 2 lines
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