This page (revision-19) was last changed on 01-Oct-2022 22:13 by Administrator

This page was created on 25-Sep-2021 12:59 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
19 01-Oct-2022 22:13 6 KB Administrator to previous
18 01-Oct-2022 16:55 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
17 01-Oct-2022 08:10 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
16 01-Oct-2022 08:05 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Geography ==> Category.Geography
15 17-Sep-2022 16:33 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Tinkers ==> TuathaAn
14 06-Dec-2021 12:41 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
13 30-Nov-2021 00:36 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
12 23-Nov-2021 21:05 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Anvaere ==> Anvaere Damodred
11 23-Nov-2021 21:05 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Innloine ==> Innloine Damodred
10 23-Nov-2021 20:57 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Moressin ==> Moressin Damodred
9 05-Oct-2021 12:04 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
8 04-Oct-2021 23:28 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Country of Tear ==> Tear (Country)
7 04-Oct-2021 12:40 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 04-Oct-2021 12:40 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last Country of Cairhien ==> Cairhien (Country)
5 04-Oct-2021 12:39 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last City of Cairhien ==> Cairhien (City)
4 25-Sep-2021 13:16 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 25-Sep-2021 13:15 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 25-Sep-2021 13:13 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 25-Sep-2021 12:59 6 KB Administrator to last

Page References

Incoming links Outgoing links
Cairhien (Country)
Cairhien (Country)

Version management

Difference between version and

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"Country of Cairhien" redirects here. For the city of Cairhien, see [Cairhien (City)].
At line 14 removed one line
At line 21 changed one line
* [Galldrian su Riatin Rie] (978-998 NE)
* [Galldrian] su Riatin rie (978-998 NE)
At line 28 changed 2 lines
* Aesnan - [Lorstrum|Lorstrum Aesnan]
* Annallin - [Dalthanes|Dalthanes Annallin], [Daricain|Daricain Annallin]
* Aesnan - [Lorstrum]
* Annallin - [Daricain], [Daricain]
At line 31 changed 2 lines
* Daganred - [Meresin|Meresin Daganred]
* Damodred - [Laman|Laman Damodred], [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred], [Moiraine], [Taringail|Taringail Damodred], [Galad|Galad Damodred], [Caraline|Caraline Damodred], [Moressin|Moressin Damodred], [Aldecain|Aldecain Damodred], [Anvaere|Anvaere Damodred], [Innloine|Innloine Damodred]
* Daganred - [Meresin]
* Damodred - [Laman], [Moiraine], [Moiraine], [Taringail], [Galad], [Moressin], [Moressin], [Aldecain], [Anvaere], [Innloine]
At line 34 changed one line
* Delovinde - [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde]
* Delovinde - [Talmanes]
At line 37 changed one line
* Maravin - [Semaradrid|Semaradrid Maravin]
* Maravin - [Semaradrid]
At line 40 changed one line
* Moseneillin - [Daigian|Daigian Moseneillin]
* Moseneillin - [Daigian]
At line 42 changed 3 lines
* Riatin - [Galldrian|Galldrian su Riatin Rie], [Toram|Toram Riatin], [Ailil|Ailil Riatin]
* Saighan - [Bertome|Bertome Saighan], [Colavaere|Colavaere Saighan]
* Taborwin - [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin], [Breane|Breane Taborwin]
* Riatin - [Galldrian], [Toram], [Ailil|Ailil Riatin]
* Saighan - [Colavaere], [Colavaere]
* Taborwin - [Dobraine], [Breane|Breane Taborwin]
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! [{ReferringPagesPlugin page='Category.Cities in Cairhien' show='count'}] Towns/Cities
! Towns/Cities
At line 50 changed one line
[{ReferringPagesPlugin page='Category.Cities in Cairhien' show='pages' before='#' after='\n' columns='3'}]
* [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)] (capital)
* [Eianrod]
* [Jurene]
* [Maerone]
* [Morelle]
* [Selean]
* [Taien]
* [Tremonsien]
At line 59 changed one line
## [NS,Ch1] - [Lan] and [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] were in Cairhien, [Andor] and [Tear|Tear (Country)] for two years fighting the [Aiel War].
## [NS,Ch1] - [Lan] and [Bukama] were in Cairhien, [Andor] and [Tear|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)] for two years fighting the [Aiel War].
At line 75 changed one line
## [TDR,Ch37] - [Andor] and Cairhien have fought nearly as many wars as [Illian|Illian (Country)] and [Tear|Tear (Country)], but they are currently on good terms.
## [TDR,Ch37] - [Andor] and Cairhien have fought nearly as many wars as [Illian|Country of Illian] and [Tear|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)], but they are currently on good terms.
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## [TSR,Ch13] - In a tavern in the [Maule|Tear (City)], [Mat] spots an out-of-luck Cairhienin noble wearing slashes of red, gold and green.
## [TSR,Ch13] - In a tavern in the [Maule|City of Tear], [Mat] spots an out-of-luck Cairhienin noble wearing slashes of red, gold and green.
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## [TSR,Ch21] - [Rand] sends the [Tairen|Tear (Country)] army led by several High Lords to restore order and ease the famine in Cairhien.
## [TSR,Ch34] - [Rhuarc] explains some of [Rand]'s visions in the [glass columns]. The young man giving them water was Cairhienin. This led to the gift of %%ot [Avendoraldera]%%, its cutting by [Laman|Laman Damodred], the [Aiel War], and thereby [Rand]'s birth.
## [TSR,Ch41] - [Raen] tells [Perrin] that his band of [TuathaAn] traveled from Cairhien to [Ghealdan] to [Andor] in the past year.
## [TSR,Ch21] - [Rand] sends the [Tairen|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)] army led by several High Lords to restore order and ease the famine in Cairhien.
## [TSR,Ch34] - [Rhuarc] explains some of [Rand]'s visions in the [glass columns]. The young man giving them water was Cairhienin. This led to the gift of %%ot [Avendoraldera]%%, its cutting by [Laman], the [Aiel War], and thereby [Rand]'s birth.
## [TSR,Ch41] - [Raen] tells [Perrin] that his band of [Tinkers] traveled from Cairhien to [Ghealdan] to [Andor] in the past year.
At line 84 changed one line
## [TFoH,Ch1] - [Alteima] tells [Morgase] that [Rand] left [Tear|Tear (Country)] with the [Aiel]. [Morgase] is surprised because she thought he was headed to Cairhien.
## [TFoH,Ch1] - [Alteima] tells [Morgase] that [Rand] left [Tear|Country of Tear|Tear (Country)] with the [Aiel]. [Morgase] is surprised because she thought he was headed to Cairhien.
At line 99 changed 2 lines
## [WH,Prologue] - [Rand] chooses [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] to be his steward in Cairhien until [Elayne] claims the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace].
## [WH,Ch25] - [Alanna|Alanna Mosvani] reports to [Rand] that not all in Cairhien are happy with [Dobraine|Dobraine Taborwin] as regent. Some may support [Toram Riatin] if he returns. [Rand] sends her back to Cairhien.
## [WH,Prologue] - [Rand] chooses [Dobraine] to be his steward in Cairhien until [Elayne] claims the [Sun Throne|Sun Palace].
## [WH,Ch25] - [Alanna] reports to [Rand] that not all in Cairhien are happy with [Dobraine] as regent. Some may support [Toram Riatin] if he returns. [Rand] sends her back to Cairhien.
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